It's easy to notice the simple pleasures when looking at the world around- even enjoyable to search for beauty in the most unusual places.
It's more difficult to notice the simple pleasures within ourselves; our very different and unique selves.
Laugh lines. Shiny gray strands. Lumpy curves. Mistakes. Failures. Fears. Quirks.
Do I dare go on? Should we cover all the reasons it's so difficult to actually love the skin we are in?
The idea that we can relish in the simple pleasures of our life . . . well, it's easier said than done. BUT, we must try. In order to find contentment and happiness, we must strive to be grateful and diligently notice the simple pleasures surrounding us and within us.
Hardship. Illness. Death. Destruction. Dysfunction. Violence. Hatred. Misunderstanding.
There are a million reasons to avoid noticing or appreciating not only the greatness happening around you- but also within you.
The first step is to understand, appreciate and accept who YOU are. We are each created uniquely wonderful. Shape, size, hair color, strengths, abilities, freckles, birthmarks . . . it's all part of YOU. Along with those parts also come limitations- limitations can NOT be our focus, only thought of as part of the whole package; making us complete and just as human as everyone else.
When negativity or difficulties are knocking at your door, you can open it and let the dark and doom overshadow your life.
You can keep that door shut tight, head to the window, open it and let the fresh air flow in. You can find the glimmer of sunlight shining bright. You can notice the bird soaring through the sky. You can look deep inside and find the simple pleasures surrounding you and within you.
Look in the mirror. What do you see? I know it's hard- I know you'll go straight to the negatives. You'll notice the simple flaws.
Look again. This time force yourself to notice the simple pleasures. The pieces of you that are beautiful and different. Then look deeper. Think of what makes you special, unique and important to this world.
The world is better because of YOU. This life simply wouldn't be the same without the simple pleasure of you being YOU.
"Mom, look up. What do you see? I see a crocodile eating an alligator."
Simple pleasure. Cloud gazing.
Simple pleasure. I'm not a perfect mom, but in that 'cloud gazing moment', life couldn't be more perfect. The negative tone I used earlier can be erased by the gentle creativity I share with my three-year-old.
Simple pleasure?
Yes, please!
It's totally up to me.
A simple request = take time to find the simple pleasures- around you and within you.
Look deep to find the beauty within yourself. Love you for you. Enjoy the skin you are in. Everyday is a gift . . . LIVE like it.
Simple Pleasures #SlowDownToEnjoyThem
Notice the beauty around you.
Notice the beauty within yourself.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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