Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Struggle of Finding Peace, Love & Joy!




Who knew three little words could be so powerful? Wouldn't it be something to be at ease and feel a sense of peace? What about having a heart so full of love it felt like it could burst? Or maybe, imagine feeling so happy that joy seeped from your very being.

"All I want is some peace and quiet!"

Are you kidding me? No one 'gives' me peace. I allow peace into my life when I choose. It's 100% up to me. When I choose to engage in activities that utilize the best me- I feel less stress. When I know how to say, "No!" to the things in life that leave me anxious or constantly doubting, I can find more peace.

I can choose peace. I can find comfort. I can allow myself to enjoy the calm amidst the wildest storm.

Hugs. Smiles. Laughter. Kind words. Love notes.

I can also choose love.

When the holiday cheer turns into the holiday sneer- I can steer clear of the things and people in life that bring me down. I can stay positive and loving.

I must remember that life will not be perfect. BUT, I must also remember that life is short and my loved ones may not be here one day. I must fight to cherish and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Joy to the world!!!!!!!!

Tis' the season to merry and bright. Right? Yes. Yes, it is! As long as I make it that way. My joy will abound when I seize the moments to truly appreciate the millions of blessings in my life.

It's time! We CAN . . . find peace, fill our hearts with love and spread the best and most joyful parts of ourselves.

Today I will give an extra hug. Smile more often than normal. Share kind words. Play a game. Listen and listen some more. Let go of what I cannot control. Sit in silence and put my phone down. Read. Do something I enjoy. Today I will count my blessings- one by one by one by one by one!

Say 'yes' to slowing down the pace of life
  share your smile & a hug
  Notice your blessings & have fun w/ them

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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