Monday, November 7, 2016

True Confessions #idiot101

Seriously ... I can NOT make this stuff up!

While I am an elementary school counselor and would not recommend negative self-talk like, "I'm an idiot," these events are quite deserving!

After posting a beautiful breakfast that I prepared last Thursday on Facebook, things seemed to start spiraling. I know I've written about those moments that you feel you have it all together and feel like a super star, but then reality sets in. Well ... yet again, this was one of those moments!

So Sunday morning, Daylight Savings Time, turned out to be a delight. We had extra time in the morning to relax, eat breakfast as a family and truly, just not rush out the door to church. Let me clarify, that I WISH we were more consistent about church. However, it is one of those 'consistently inconsistent' things in our house (I'm working on this!).

We made it in the car and were only going to be a smidge late (yes, even with the extra time, I was running late getting ready). I didn't have my husband with me because he was going to head to a work fundraising event early and we were going to meet him there.

I was a little confused because mass seemed to already be started- and I mean, it already seemed half-way done. Well ... that was because it WAS half-way done. I went AT THE WRONG TIME. We didn't even have to walk into the mass to feel the shame. Luckily there were eight people outside mass to witness my embarrassing moment. One woman thought I missed the memo to move my clock back an hour. One assured me this had always been the time mass started. And, one sweet man told me to just go in, as they hadn't taken Communion yet. None of these things were helpful for my pride.

UGH. We walked our shameful selves out the door. My son, "Thanks, Mom. That was embarrassing for us." I didn't respond. Little did he know- that was embarrassing for only one person ... the mom who DOES NOT HAVE HER YOU KNOW WHAT TOGETHER :-)

Happy Monday! Please know when you feel like you don't have it together ... YOU are NOT the ONLY one!

My laundry sat in the washer all day yesterday- I plan to just rewash it.
My youngest hasn't brushed her hair in days- and I'm not fighting it.
My oldest hasn't used toothpaste in a week- though she is brushing with water (YUCK!).
My kids sheets are filthy- I had hoped to wash them Sunday, but we all know what happened there.

Seriously. From the moment I had my first child, people said, "You have to just let things go. Enjoy the moments with your children."

I think I may have taken this advice a tad-bit too far! My husband refers to me as the 'dumbest smart person he knows'! This is truly out of love ... and oh, so very true!

What have you let go? There's no shame in admitting! You are not alone. Every day we all try our very best- and that is what counts!

Here's to being on time (at the right time), completing laundry and helping kids have good hygiene! I've got my goals for the week.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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