Yes, it was early Sunday morning at Walmart, that I had a moment. Teary eyed, with my turquoise eye shadow remnants (Raina had done my eye shadow the night before), I pondered what I have been missing the last two months. I have literally been living moment by moment- purchasing things the night before or the moment before it is needed and finishing up tasks just as they were due. I often didn't even know what the next day had in store for me.
I realized as I was shopping Sunday morning that I hadn't even taken time to plan anything for Memorial Day. A day that is meant to appreciate the very lives we are blessed with. A day that honors men and women who were brave enough to risk their lives for you and ME! A day that is meant to be spent with loved ones ... And, I hadn't even given it a thought.
We all get caught in the hamster wheel of life. Everyone is busy in their own way. It's truly what we choose to do with our busyness that can set our appreciation for life apart from others.
I'm in the season of life where it's very easy to get caught up in schedules and checking things off my to-do list, but this is no way to live. And the only person that can stop & slow down in the midst of the craziness ... is ME! I must own my season of life and not lose sight of the big picture. Family and friends must stay a priority and all the rest can wait.

Sometimes I think we don't stop- because if we stop and slow down, if we stop and put our phones down, if we stop and quit busying ourselves with tasks, THEN we have to feel. We have to feel overwhelmed or sad or lonely or unsure or unsettled. But when we don't allow ourselves to feel the real feelings we have buried inside, then we miss the very moments that might change our feelings to that of joy, happiness or love.
As I checked out from Walmart, I had the best conversation with the sales associate. She was lovely. She too has four kids. She too is living the hamster wheel- just trying to make ends meet to be able to enjoy her own blessings. But, there she was, working, so that I could try to catch up on life. Perspective.
Walking out to my car, my two pizzas fell off the cart and landed upside down. My watermelon rolled into the middle of the street. I remembered that I hadn't even brushed my teeth (no judgment ... if I brush my teeth, the dog thinks it's time to eat and the whole house would have been woke up ... plus, I had a mint and a coffee!). I was a hot mess and I didn't even have kids with me. I let myself remember the days of screaming kids, overflowing carts, baby carriers and sheer exhaustion.
That season of toting around littles is gone. Over. Did I savor any of those moments? Was I running so fast that I forgot to stop and smell the roses? Those of you who know me know I DON'T run these days (and have never run fast), but I'm talking more about moving through life so fast just trying to keep afloat, that I maybe didn't stop to feel the feelings that were happening in the tough moments.
So this Memorial Day, and the many days that follow, I encourage us all to slow down ... Long Enough to Reflect. And Long Enough to Feel! Too many beautiful souls are no longer with us to reflect and feel. It is up to us! Go forth slowly and with a strong heart!
Lots of love is being sent to all those who have lost loved ones and to all those who have served so that I can have a life to appreciate!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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