Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Be Thankful!

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
-Albert Schweitzer 

November is such a great month to remember to focus on our blessings; to be thankful for the things in life we typically take for granted. 

On the days I have a moment to scroll through Facebook, I am reminded by the many people in my life that taking time each day to mention something I am thankful for is critical for enjoyment.  The 30-day thankful challenge seems easy, until you force yourself to do it. Even one thanks a day can help keep the negative away.

The quote above is an excellent reminder that we will have times in our life, moments if you will, that we will be overwhelmed by the very idea of completing the daily tasks of living. You are not the only one that struggles. You are not alone in your moments of misery. Everyone out there is fighting some sort of battle (or 'funk' as I like to refer to them!).

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. 

This is definitely easier said than done. But when we are struggling; when things just don't go our way ... we must rely on the very blessings that are surrounding us. 

For many of us, we can recall the person or encounter that lifts us out of a dark place we tend to get stuck in. A friendly smile, a beer with a friend, a call from someone special ... it's the little blessings from our friends and confidants that bring us back to the light!

The good Lord provided us with a world full of tiny joys: flowers, rainbows, smiles, fresh cut lawn, the smell of cake baking, seasonal beauty, sunlight, stars ... an endless list of things to be thankful for. 

This Tuesday, take time to be thankful. When things seem dreary or the rain is pouring down, remember that after the rain comes the rainbow. Remember that soggy days slow you down. Slowing down for a day will give you time appreciate the little blessings that shine through even the darkest storm!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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