Thursday, December 1, 2016

I Used to be THAT Mom!

So ... I totally used to be THAT mom! You know, the one who really has her crap together. Really, I did. I'm not lying.

Let's review some of my great moments (just to make myself feel better!). I made a Barbie cake for my oldest when she was four- all by myself- I even put a new Barbie in the cake. I used to have family costumes every year ... with a theme! I used to make Christmas cards (one year I even scrapbooked the damn thing)! I clipped coupons. I did NOT let my kids have electronics or GUNS. I used to read to my kids EVERY night! We used to eat dinner together- EVERY meal.

Okay- I feel better. See, I really did USED to be THAT mom! That amazing mom that I always wanted and strived to be. So you might ask, "What are you now?"

Let me just tell you what kind of mom I am now. Let's start with ... dividing and conquering ... never eating dinner together ... saying goodbye to real meals ... not caring if my children are playing with electronics ... purchasing LOTS of guns for my nerf-loving son ... buying birthday presents on the way to the party ... having so much laundry that there's no clean underwear ... running out of toilet paper (HOW in the HELL does THIS happen?!?!) ...

I could go on and on and on. But let me end with a true picture of what kind of mom I have become.

Tonight I got home three minutes before needing to leave with the oldest for swim practice. The two middles were with their dad on their way to wrestling. I walked in to see a spread of random left-overs, dirty dishes - crap everywhere. I grabbed myself some cheese and crackers and ensured that my oldest had eaten SOMETHING (I didn't really care what!). We were on our way out when the youngest threw a tantrum because a new show was on. Really?

It was at that moment that I realized no one bothered to make sure the five-year-old had made her own dinner. Who does that? Makes their kids make their own dinner; night after night. I figured we'd just drop the oldest off and head back home to feed the littlest cranky child. So in the car we went (I should add here that the littlest was cranky, but also shoe-less and coat-less).

When we arrived at swimming, I had to go in to check how over-due we were on our balance. In walked my coat-less and shoe-less #4! Then, instead of going home to feed her dinner, I took her out for drive-thru ice cream (it was delicious!). And, no, she hadn't even eaten dinner yet. We headed back to swimming to just hang-out. She was still coat-less and shoe-less! Oh, and her hair was to-die for!.

The best part was the dad (with his three littles) who obviously thought I was THAT mom. Not the mom that has it all together, not the mom I USED to be. But THAT mom ... the tired, haggered, not-giving-a-crap mom. I wanted to tell him the whole story- explain that I really wasn't a horrible mother; that I really did have my crap together.

Instead- I played and laughed and watched my hoodlem of a daughter sounding out words on all sorts of signs. What fun we had.

Oh, how time changes us. This time in our lives is crazy. It's busy. It's lonely. But, damn, it's GOOD!

While I used to be THAT mom that had it all together- I'm proud to say I'm now just THAT normal mom, doing the best job I can. Living. Loving. Trying. Failing. Trying again. Loving again. Living again!

Whatever road you are on- don't get caught up in what others are thinking of you. Be proud of who you are, who you have become and who you are continuing to BE!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, November 7, 2016

True Confessions #idiot101

Seriously ... I can NOT make this stuff up!

While I am an elementary school counselor and would not recommend negative self-talk like, "I'm an idiot," these events are quite deserving!

After posting a beautiful breakfast that I prepared last Thursday on Facebook, things seemed to start spiraling. I know I've written about those moments that you feel you have it all together and feel like a super star, but then reality sets in. Well ... yet again, this was one of those moments!

So Sunday morning, Daylight Savings Time, turned out to be a delight. We had extra time in the morning to relax, eat breakfast as a family and truly, just not rush out the door to church. Let me clarify, that I WISH we were more consistent about church. However, it is one of those 'consistently inconsistent' things in our house (I'm working on this!).

We made it in the car and were only going to be a smidge late (yes, even with the extra time, I was running late getting ready). I didn't have my husband with me because he was going to head to a work fundraising event early and we were going to meet him there.

I was a little confused because mass seemed to already be started- and I mean, it already seemed half-way done. Well ... that was because it WAS half-way done. I went AT THE WRONG TIME. We didn't even have to walk into the mass to feel the shame. Luckily there were eight people outside mass to witness my embarrassing moment. One woman thought I missed the memo to move my clock back an hour. One assured me this had always been the time mass started. And, one sweet man told me to just go in, as they hadn't taken Communion yet. None of these things were helpful for my pride.

UGH. We walked our shameful selves out the door. My son, "Thanks, Mom. That was embarrassing for us." I didn't respond. Little did he know- that was embarrassing for only one person ... the mom who DOES NOT HAVE HER YOU KNOW WHAT TOGETHER :-)

Happy Monday! Please know when you feel like you don't have it together ... YOU are NOT the ONLY one!

My laundry sat in the washer all day yesterday- I plan to just rewash it.
My youngest hasn't brushed her hair in days- and I'm not fighting it.
My oldest hasn't used toothpaste in a week- though she is brushing with water (YUCK!).
My kids sheets are filthy- I had hoped to wash them Sunday, but we all know what happened there.

Seriously. From the moment I had my first child, people said, "You have to just let things go. Enjoy the moments with your children."

I think I may have taken this advice a tad-bit too far! My husband refers to me as the 'dumbest smart person he knows'! This is truly out of love ... and oh, so very true!

What have you let go? There's no shame in admitting! You are not alone. Every day we all try our very best- and that is what counts!

Here's to being on time (at the right time), completing laundry and helping kids have good hygiene! I've got my goals for the week.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, October 28, 2016

Where's YOUR Magic?

Magic ... Is magic even real? Or, is it just an illusion? A figment of our imagination? A play on reality?

Our family just got back from the most 'Magical' place on earth. It certainly was magical- so magical that it didn't even seem real. How could one place hold so much life & beauty & amazement?

As we were enjoying our last day, I found myself looking around. I was studying faces and buildings; trying to take it all in.

I realized the most magical thing about the most magical place on earth didn't have anything to do with where I was. It was who I was with. My magic was right there, with me ... AND ... I got to bring it home!

I let myself stop for a moment of silence and recognition for those who have lost loved ones, who are struggling with a health issue, who would dream of having time with the special people in their lives and for those who don't see the magic that is all around them.

There is no perfect place. There is no perfect life. There is no perfect time.

Magic is all around us- everywhere we go- IF we slow down long enough to recognize it.

So many of us take the gifts that are right in front of us for granted (myself included). It's okay. Let's take charge of the magic today.

Stop. Breathe. Soak in every bit of magic that is all around you.

Sun. Nature. Family. Smiles. Laughter. Dumb jokes. Heath. Freedom. Shopping. Coffee. Snuggles. Kisses. Animals. Blankies. Flowers. Fresh cookies. Comfy beds. Work. Friends.

Magic. It's all around you. Don't miss it!

Have a Magical day, princess! Enjoy the Magic Show, fine prince!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gratitude is an Attitude!

Gratitude is certainly an attitude!

I am not sure where I have heard this ... I am sure someone needs credit and only wish I could give credit where credit is due! But, alas, I am sure that person is grateful that I am spreading this message.

The funny thing about gratitude is that when we are focused on what is good in our life, it's hard to get down or angry about the things that are not. Life is hard. Life can certainly really suck. Life can be down-right awful.

However ...

Life is amazing and wonderful and it is certainly a blessing.

Just to be alive and breathing is a gift. We must focus on the good while we are busy living. Not everyone has that chance.

My cousin lost her battle to cancer almost a year ago. Not a day goes by that her smile doesn't creep into my thoughts. I learned SO much from her about gratitude. She was ALWAYS looking to the good in life. She wasn't fake or overbearing about it in any way. Her genuine style and way of approaching difficult topics always led back to how lucky we are to even be apart of this gigantic thing called life.

I can't tell her anymore how much she taught me. But, I can honor her memory and spread just a little piece of her every time I choose good.

What are you choosing these days? Are you bitter or angry or caught up in your daily struggles? It's okay. We are human and we are definitely ALL guilty of it.

Today, though, you have the power. Choose good. Believe in your gifts. Spread love. Change your attitude.

Gratitude is an attitude!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, October 3, 2016

Take a Look in the Mirror

Take a look in the mirror ... what do you see?

An old & tired mama looking at me!

Isn't it funny how time passes? How all of a sudden it's October and you ponder, "Where has the time gone?"

Life is a hamster wheel, and it will continue to turn and turn and turn. UNLESS, we STOP and take a look in the mirror. UNLESS, we STOP and reflect where we want to be!

Busy is a way of life these days. For so many, we'd be lost without the calendar on our phones. We have so many events each day that we have to schedule time to poop.

Life will keep spinning. Time will keep passing. UNLESS, we STOP and take a look in the mirror.

If you took time to stop and reflect, what would see? Are you happy with where you are at? Are you enjoying the people in your life? Are you fostering the very relationships that bring you the most joy?

Today, on this first Monday in October- I have stopped. I've taken time to write; something that brings me such joy. Today and throughout this week, I will attempt to stop the hamster wheel (even if just for moments at a time).

Take a look in the mirror today. Are you where you want to be in this craziness we call life? If not, allow yourself to stop & reflect. Take time for what brings you joy! YOU are worth it. Don't let life pass you by for one more day ....

Take a look in the mirror ... what do you see? NOT an old and tired mom looking at me. But, a woman with so much life to live, so much love to give!


Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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