Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gratitude is an Attitude!

Gratitude is certainly an attitude!

I am not sure where I have heard this ... I am sure someone needs credit and only wish I could give credit where credit is due! But, alas, I am sure that person is grateful that I am spreading this message.

The funny thing about gratitude is that when we are focused on what is good in our life, it's hard to get down or angry about the things that are not. Life is hard. Life can certainly really suck. Life can be down-right awful.

However ...

Life is amazing and wonderful and it is certainly a blessing.

Just to be alive and breathing is a gift. We must focus on the good while we are busy living. Not everyone has that chance.

My cousin lost her battle to cancer almost a year ago. Not a day goes by that her smile doesn't creep into my thoughts. I learned SO much from her about gratitude. She was ALWAYS looking to the good in life. She wasn't fake or overbearing about it in any way. Her genuine style and way of approaching difficult topics always led back to how lucky we are to even be apart of this gigantic thing called life.

I can't tell her anymore how much she taught me. But, I can honor her memory and spread just a little piece of her every time I choose good.

What are you choosing these days? Are you bitter or angry or caught up in your daily struggles? It's okay. We are human and we are definitely ALL guilty of it.

Today, though, you have the power. Choose good. Believe in your gifts. Spread love. Change your attitude.

Gratitude is an attitude!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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