Monday, October 3, 2016

Take a Look in the Mirror

Take a look in the mirror ... what do you see?

An old & tired mama looking at me!

Isn't it funny how time passes? How all of a sudden it's October and you ponder, "Where has the time gone?"

Life is a hamster wheel, and it will continue to turn and turn and turn. UNLESS, we STOP and take a look in the mirror. UNLESS, we STOP and reflect where we want to be!

Busy is a way of life these days. For so many, we'd be lost without the calendar on our phones. We have so many events each day that we have to schedule time to poop.

Life will keep spinning. Time will keep passing. UNLESS, we STOP and take a look in the mirror.

If you took time to stop and reflect, what would see? Are you happy with where you are at? Are you enjoying the people in your life? Are you fostering the very relationships that bring you the most joy?

Today, on this first Monday in October- I have stopped. I've taken time to write; something that brings me such joy. Today and throughout this week, I will attempt to stop the hamster wheel (even if just for moments at a time).

Take a look in the mirror today. Are you where you want to be in this craziness we call life? If not, allow yourself to stop & reflect. Take time for what brings you joy! YOU are worth it. Don't let life pass you by for one more day ....

Take a look in the mirror ... what do you see? NOT an old and tired mom looking at me. But, a woman with so much life to live, so much love to give!


Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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