My #FridayFunny could have come from any of the following occurrences this week . . . you decide which is the best.
Option 1: While wiping a kid's butt before heading out the door to work, I didn't realize there was more than a smidge of snot on her nose. I probably didn't notice it after because the snot was no longer on her nose- nope! It was left in a nice straight line down the exact middle of my skirt.
Don't worry- the skirt only had a large wet circle on it for the first 30 minutes of the work day!
Option 2: My immaturity at it's finest! The school milk was semi-frozen. I was dumping a container of chocolate milk into the 'leftover milk container'. Only, it wouldn't quite pour out. It slid, ever so slowly and in a perfect cylinder-like shape.
Plop. Plop. Plop. Right into the bucket of brown liquid. I went ahead and did the whole jug- bit by bit by bit. Much like something or someone 'pooping'!
And, I couldn't stop laughing.
I need to grow up.
Option 3: I tried to have a civilized conversation about current events. I won't say any more- except that my lack of knowledge is indescribable (and very sad).
I could continue about sitting on the floor and then trying to get up- darn hip. It locked right up and I was stuck. Or about running into the door because I forgot to turn the handle. Or my many slip-ups on words and trying to make sense.
The embarrassment could just keep on going.
I suppose it's good that I can laugh at myself. I'm the first to admit when I screw up. And- It certainly feels better to laugh than to cry!
How's your week been? Take a look back and decide what your #FridayFunny would be. Does something seem funny now, that wasn't really all that funny at the time? The 'it's okay' philosophy is that MOST times in life, as we look back, things really weren't as bad as they seemed.
I know one things for sure . . . I was lucky this wasn't the week I left my car running while I went in the store.
Take time today to laugh at yourself. Remember to love the YOU that YOU ARE! Embrace your funnies, flaws and all. Know that it's a blessing just to be able to laugh!
Laugh BIG & laugh often.
Enjoy the weekend.
What's your #FridayFunny?
Take time 2 laugh @ yourself today.
Be silly.
Let embarrassment roll off your back.
Love your mess-ups w/ a smile!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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