Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hot Mess!

And the Hot Mess Award goes to . . .

Yep! That's right!


Sadly, this is no award to be proud of. I was trying to think of some good synonyms that might work with Hot Mess. I think the list below pretty well sums it up.

Disaster. Cluster. Crazy. Ridiculous. Over-reactive. Lunatic. Nut Job. Psycho. Absurd.

Should I continue?

Once the Hot Mess concludes itself, then the self-loathing is in full force.

I've been absent from my blog writing for a while. I suppose it's safe to say that this is due to the transitions and changes occurring around me and my family. While many of these transitions and changes should not be life altering-- I feel a little out of my element.

Is it possible to be your best in one facet of your life and then not have the energy to be your best in the others? Does it again come down to balance? Does it have anything to do with self-forgiveness; being okay with not being able to do it all and be it all?

We cannot and should not be perfect. Emotions about our imperfections are a normal part of who we are. We each have our own demons we are fighting and certainly, some days the battles are going to be tougher than others.


Coping with this thing called life is certainly easier said than done. I think about the amazing Robin Williams and I can't help but tear up and wonder what went wrong and how we all failed him. He brought smiles to our faces and brightened our worlds over and over and over. He was his best for all of us. And, yet, I can't imagine the hurt, sadness or loneliness that he must have been feeling.

Let's all take a moment (me included) and remind ourselves of why we are wonderful. Let's forget the Hot Mess Award that we may have just won. Let's forgive ourselves for the mistakes that may have taken over our week. Let's note at least one thing that about ourselves that makes us pretty darn special. And, let's all make an effort to reach out to those around us and let them know what makes them pretty darn special, too (they might need us more than we could ever realize).

Good luck as you end this week. If it hasn't been the best- remember . . . It's NOT over yet. Greatness can still happen.

It's okay if that describes you lately
  Mess-ups are what make us better & stronger
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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