Tuesday, August 5, 2014

#summergratitude: A Look Back . . .

Summer is NOT over.
It does not officially end until September 21st. That’s more than a month away- Summer IS NOT OVER!
But, for our family . . . IT IS.
The school year is just a week away from starting. My work as an educator has once again begun. My husband’s work as an administrator never really ended, but this time of year is his busiest.
Our summer is over.
And . . . It’s Okay.
It’s okay that the children have to be dressed and have their teeth brushed BEFORE noon. It’s okay that this mother has to do her hair and wear something other than yoga pants or black stretchy shorts (and get dressed and have my teeth brushed before noon!).
Life is going to speed up. Reality is going to set in. A routine will once again be established.
Change is and always will be hard for me (and maybe for you, too).
I will mourn the slow-down days summer brings. I will miss my three-year-old crawling in bed with me and sleeping for another hour. I will long for the willingness to lay in bed with my son at night or read ‘just one more book’ because we don't have the pressure of being on time in the morning.
While I will be sad today as summer ends, I will also have a budding of excitement.
My job is important. I love my job. I help people. I encourage children and help support adults. I will gain some empowerment just by getting up each and every day to go to work (and wearing 'real' clothes- ha!).
My children love school (well, the two girls do- the boy just ‘likes’ it!). They learn. They grow. Each year brings new opportunities, friendships and exciting new stages in development.
And, my little #4; my little bright light- she will flourish at daycare. She adores her friends and feels big when she has the opportunity to ‘go to school’ like the other kids.
As I look back as summer, it wasn’t perfect. There were days I ruined with my crabbiness. There were moments I didn’t think I’d have any hair left at the end of the day. There were times I was overwhelmed, sad, confused . . . even frumpy (from the very yoga pants I adore).
But, summer was also amazing, wonderful, relaxing, not to hot, just right and just what our family needed.
Today as I venture off to work- I will remember the good and learn from the bad. I will look at work as an opportunity for growth. I will smile and be the best I can be.
Summer might be ending, but for every end there is a bright new beginning!
Out w/ the old & in w/ the new.
Look for bright beginnings as you let go of the familiar
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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