Sunday, August 17, 2014

#MarriageMonday: Regroup & Sync

I got this ridiculous new contraption that I might be a little obsessed with!


Have you heard of this little monster? It tracks your steps, calories burned, sleep patterns, weight goals, calorie intake, etc. It's super cool!

Well, I had a fitbit failure on Friday and I forgot to wear my tracker. I was out of SYNC all day. Saturday when I tried to reconnect- NO luck. Sunday when my device was looking and looking and looking- NO LUCK.


And, it was so fitting for how I've been feeling not about my fitbit,, but about my life-- Just a little out of sync.

Do you get that way occasionally? I'm pretty sure it's normal (or at least I'll keep telling myself that!).

So what do we do when our devices are out of sync? We ask for help. We try to change our settings. We search and research and keep on trying to 'fix' our problem. All I had to do was plug in a goofy-looking button and I was synced in seconds

If only our life struggles were that easy to fix.

After a few weeks (not just days) of feeling out of whack, our family finally found a way to sync. We have been living in anything but harmony; haven't been able to compromise on a single thing- we haven't even been able to like one another.

So 'family meeting time' it was. A new plan was established. Clear and concise expectations (for all of us . . . even for the adult temper tantrums) were set. We put up our spousal zone defense against or four scoundrels. We divided our work and we conquered all!

Finally- we were once again connected.

Welcome back happy Hamilton's!

I know my moments of peace from today won't last. I know there will be a error in our connection along the way this week. Surely my clean house won't last for more than a day. The finished laundry will turn into the load of laundry I rewashed three times last week. The dishes that are done and put away will pile up on the counter. The frustration between my hubby and I that has ceased will surely flare up at some point.

BUT, for now . . . there is sync in our steps.

When we are stuck down low and out of sorts, we must first identify the root of the problem. Issues tend to pile up when we are already disconnected. Our spouse can help us find solutions if we utilize them for our search to regroup.

Take time this week to sync with those you love most. If you're not living in harmony with your significant other or family- take time to find out why. If you're not matching in your thinking- take time to talk about how to compromise. We must identify with those we care for in order keep our love big and strong!

Out of sync
Feeling disconnected
Not understanding
Take time to talk, regroup & get in sync
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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