Sunday, September 28, 2014

Focus on YOU!

At what point in life do you realize that control is an illusion? When does it become apparent- and part of your own belief system- that you CAN NOT control anyone or anything?
Since I basically teach this daily to students and co-workers, you would think I could buy into my own philosophy. The philosophy that says we cannot control anyone but ourselves. We are powerless to make others do what we want them to do. We cannot 'change' people. We cannot force new behaviors or habits or, or, or! We CAN'T.
However, we CAN control ourselves. We CAN make good choices. We CAN do the right thing (even when others aren't). We CAN make the best of the hand we've been dealt.
Tonight I took a much needed walk around the lake. It occurred to me that my greatest irritations come from my inability to control my family. How sad is that?
I want them to do what I want, when I want and how I want. Goodness, woman. Are you a dictator? Why, yes. It appears that way.
I sometimes feel as though my children and husband are supposed to like little puppets on a string- and me the puppeteer. Wouldn't that be something? Shoes would be put away. Clothes would be in the laundry right-side out. Manners would happen 110% of the time. Kind words would always be shared. There'd never be a toilet lid left up or dish undone or a squabble needing to be broken up.
WOW. Slow down. Listen to what you are saying.
That's not heavenly. That's boring. And sad. And NOT REAL LIFE! Grow up, woman.
For goodness sakes, take your own advice. Recognize that you cannot control anyone but yourself. You are the only one you can change. And that's how it should be.
As I was walking and the sun started to set- it was all so clear. I need to chill out, appreciate what I have and . . . change my own behavior. It was also then that the bugs started to enter my ears, eyes and mouth!
The universe was also reminding me that nothing in life is meant to be perfect. Not even a beautiful sunset. With the dusk comes the beauty- and also the bugs!
So I began to count the things I CAN control.
I CAN . . .
Get up 15 minutes earlier to make our morning more successful.
Start each day with a hug and kiss for each of my loved ones- starting the day on the right foot.
Model good behavior when others are not- keeping my cool & staying calm.
Believe in myself and those around me- recognizing strengths & positives.
Be healthy- putting good food into my body and getting moving.
Be the fun-loving woman that my friends and co-workers get to see (but to my family, too)!
My children are not puppets. My husband doesn't belong on a string. I am not a puppeteer. I CANNOT control others. Time to step it up and work on myself.
This week I will try to prove my husband wrong . . . I AM NOT a STICK in the MUD!
We are NOT meant to control others (though we want to)!
Time to FOCUS on what you can control
Take control &
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

How About a YES! Day?

Wouldn't it be something if we could say, "Yes!" to more things, yet feel less stress?

I'm not talking about taking on more 'things' - I'm talking about saying YES! to what matters most. 

Will you slow down and relax for a moment? YES!
Will you sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee with me and share endless conversation? YES!
Will you play tic tac toe? YES!
Will you call me and LISTEN to me (instead of multi-tasking)? YES!
Will you walk a long, slow and patient walk; noting all the beautiful nature & sounds? YES!

Will you lay with me ... read with me ... sit down and eat with me ... talk with me about my day ... relax ... stay calm ... talk kindly to me ... listen to me ... love me?


Time is something that is NOT endless. There will be a day when it is gone. Too often we take for granted that the time we are given must not be wasted on a whole lot of, "NO's!"

I'm too tired. I don't have the energy. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Next week I will try. Let's put something on the calendar for next month. I just don't have it in me. Let's talk later.

Here's your weekend challenge (and mine, too)! Put down your devices. Turn off your TV's. Forget all your excuses and for goodness sakes, don't worry about cleaning.

Instead, say, "YES!"

Yes, I will sit, talk and engage with you. Certainly I would love to play a game with you. I'm never to busy share my love with those I love the most. Of course I will read with you. It'd be a delight to meet you for coffee. I'd love to lay in bed with you, spoon with you and snuggle the morning away.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

This week is ending. The weekend is quickly approaching. Time to check-in on life and what REALLY matters the most. Forget the 'stuff' and the 'things' this weekend. Instead, say YES! to love. Honor your relationships by taking time; by enjoying the blessing of being together. 

Make today a YES! day!

Forget the stuff. Forget the things.

Remember it's people that matter most. Say YES! to them.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Different is GREAT!

There are no two people exactly alike on this earth.

There are no two struggles that are identical.

There really is no way around being different in one way or another (or in every way in between).

It's funny how we seem to strive to conform to the 'norm', yet I often wonder if normal even exists. Is there a right way to look? To be? To act? To talk?

Certainly when we get on our high horses, we can pretend to KNOW that there IS a RIGHT WAY and, of course, WE KNOW WHAT THAT WAY IS!


The truth is, there are different ways of interacting, communicating, spending, working, believing . . . so many different ways. And- It's Okay!

In fact- IT'S GREAT! Different is GREAT!

I can't take all the credit for this blog post. A young man at my school this evening was chatting with me about my 'new look'! I had Lasik surgery last week and no longer have glasses. I've heard far too many times to count about how different I look. I was simply waiting for his similar response.

But, this young man made my week. "Different isn't bad- different is GREAT!"

Awe, how about that boost.

Let's all take some time to step down from our high horses. This weekend and into next week, let's try to remember how wonderful differences are.

Life would be so boring if we were all the same. Work wouldn't be as productive if we all didn't offer various strengths. Families would be bland and without excitement if everyone wanted to do the same thing at the exact same time. Food would lose the amazing spice and flavor that temps our awaiting taste buds.

Different isn't bad. Different is GREAT!

We're all different
Don't judge. Don't assume wrong. Don't think its bad.
Different makes the world go round!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, September 5, 2014

Are You Fully Living Your Life?

Taken From: Life With Intent by Kerika

Where have you been?

What on earth have you been doing?

Why has it been so long?

That is what my blog keeps asking me over and over and over! Sadly, I don't have a good answer. Does this cut it . . . "I just haven't been feeling it lately!"

Hold on to your seats as life takes you on unseen twists and turns. Don't blink or you might miss years of living.


What does this word mean to you?

Surely we have to account for breathing, our beating heart- but, then what?

I've been struggling the last month with idea I might not be fully participating in my living or my life. I look around and see friends, family and people I don't even know struggling. Not like struggling because they are busy or life is hectic. But, STRUGGLING.

Cancer. Special needs. Chronic illnesses. Death of loved ones. Sick children. Unseen cures.

Now many of them are still breathing and have beating hearts- but certainly their definition of living is different than a lot of ours.

I like to have control in my life (often my children suffer from this-ha!). Lately I've questioned how much in life we really can have control of. I think I might have even given up a little on life thinking, "Why? There's so much heartache. Why?"

But- I'm back to me. I'm back to believing that we DO have control of our living. Certainly there are circumstances, illnesses and tragedy that are completely OUT of our control. Let's not focus on those things- let's take the reigns of what we CAN control!

Smiles :)
Loving words.
Listening ears.
Belief in our abilities.
Noting the strengths of others.
Giving of time, energy or money (whatever we are able).
Being a friend.
Reaching out to those in need.
Being kind.
Sharing our gifts.
Taking care of ourselves.
Eating healthy.
Loving our earth.

I got overwhelmed the other day with the idea that I can't FIX the many chronic illnesses that are out there. I realized I don't have the pocket book to give to do research for them all. I watched the news a few times and felt that our world was full of nothing but hate and violence. I started down the negative path of thinking that there is NOTHING I can do.

I had to stop. I turned off the TV. I can do something.

I will give when I can. I will help whenever I am able. I will volunteer as often as is possible. I will smile & listen & care.

I can't fix the world. But I can LIVE my life. I can make positive changes for myself. I can eat better and exercise. I can play with my children. I can support my friends. I can focus on a better me to share with the world.

As hard times continue to happen around you, don't fret about the past. Try not to get caught up in what 'used' to be or what 'could have been'. Be present NOW. Dig deep and figure out what part of you isn't fully participating in this gift of life you have been given.

Where on earth have you been?
What have you been doing?
Why has it been so long?

LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST! After all, some people might not have the same opportunities you do. Take advantage with a grateful heart.

Are you living life to the fullest?
What could you do differently?
Reach out.
Share your gifts.
Live w/ gratefulness.

 Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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