At what point in life do you realize that control is an illusion? When does it become apparent- and part of your own belief system- that you CAN NOT control anyone or anything?
Since I basically teach this daily to students and co-workers, you would think I could buy into my own philosophy. The philosophy that says we cannot control anyone but ourselves. We are powerless to make others do what we want them to do. We cannot 'change' people. We cannot force new behaviors or habits or, or, or! We CAN'T.
However, we CAN control ourselves. We CAN make good choices. We CAN do the right thing (even when others aren't). We CAN make the best of the hand we've been dealt.
Tonight I took a much needed walk around the lake. It occurred to me that my greatest irritations come from my inability to control my family. How sad is that?
I want them to do what I want, when I want and how I want. Goodness, woman. Are you a dictator? Why, yes. It appears that way.
I sometimes feel as though my children and husband are supposed to like little puppets on a string- and me the puppeteer. Wouldn't that be something? Shoes would be put away. Clothes would be in the laundry right-side out. Manners would happen 110% of the time. Kind words would always be shared. There'd never be a toilet lid left up or dish undone or a squabble needing to be broken up.
WOW. Slow down. Listen to what you are saying.
That's not heavenly. That's boring. And sad. And NOT REAL LIFE! Grow up, woman.
For goodness sakes, take your own advice. Recognize that you cannot control anyone but yourself. You are the only one you can change. And that's how it should be.
As I was walking and the sun started to set- it was all so clear. I need to chill out, appreciate what I have and . . . change my own behavior. It was also then that the bugs started to enter my ears, eyes and mouth!
The universe was also reminding me that nothing in life is meant to be perfect. Not even a beautiful sunset. With the dusk comes the beauty- and also the bugs!
So I began to count the things I CAN control.
I CAN . . .
Get up 15 minutes earlier to make our morning more successful.
Start each day with a hug and kiss for each of my loved ones- starting the day on the right foot.
Model good behavior when others are not- keeping my cool & staying calm.
Believe in myself and those around me- recognizing strengths & positives.
Be healthy- putting good food into my body and getting moving.
Be the fun-loving woman that my friends and co-workers get to see (but to my family, too)!
My children are not puppets. My husband doesn't belong on a string. I am not a puppeteer. I CANNOT control others. Time to step it up and work on myself.
This week I will try to prove my husband wrong . . . I AM NOT a STICK in the MUD!
We are NOT meant to control others (though we want to)!
Take control & #lovewhatyousee
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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