Thursday, September 18, 2014

How About a YES! Day?

Wouldn't it be something if we could say, "Yes!" to more things, yet feel less stress?

I'm not talking about taking on more 'things' - I'm talking about saying YES! to what matters most. 

Will you slow down and relax for a moment? YES!
Will you sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee with me and share endless conversation? YES!
Will you play tic tac toe? YES!
Will you call me and LISTEN to me (instead of multi-tasking)? YES!
Will you walk a long, slow and patient walk; noting all the beautiful nature & sounds? YES!

Will you lay with me ... read with me ... sit down and eat with me ... talk with me about my day ... relax ... stay calm ... talk kindly to me ... listen to me ... love me?


Time is something that is NOT endless. There will be a day when it is gone. Too often we take for granted that the time we are given must not be wasted on a whole lot of, "NO's!"

I'm too tired. I don't have the energy. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Next week I will try. Let's put something on the calendar for next month. I just don't have it in me. Let's talk later.

Here's your weekend challenge (and mine, too)! Put down your devices. Turn off your TV's. Forget all your excuses and for goodness sakes, don't worry about cleaning.

Instead, say, "YES!"

Yes, I will sit, talk and engage with you. Certainly I would love to play a game with you. I'm never to busy share my love with those I love the most. Of course I will read with you. It'd be a delight to meet you for coffee. I'd love to lay in bed with you, spoon with you and snuggle the morning away.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

This week is ending. The weekend is quickly approaching. Time to check-in on life and what REALLY matters the most. Forget the 'stuff' and the 'things' this weekend. Instead, say YES! to love. Honor your relationships by taking time; by enjoying the blessing of being together. 

Make today a YES! day!

Forget the stuff. Forget the things.

Remember it's people that matter most. Say YES! to them.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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