Thursday, September 11, 2014

Different is GREAT!

There are no two people exactly alike on this earth.

There are no two struggles that are identical.

There really is no way around being different in one way or another (or in every way in between).

It's funny how we seem to strive to conform to the 'norm', yet I often wonder if normal even exists. Is there a right way to look? To be? To act? To talk?

Certainly when we get on our high horses, we can pretend to KNOW that there IS a RIGHT WAY and, of course, WE KNOW WHAT THAT WAY IS!


The truth is, there are different ways of interacting, communicating, spending, working, believing . . . so many different ways. And- It's Okay!

In fact- IT'S GREAT! Different is GREAT!

I can't take all the credit for this blog post. A young man at my school this evening was chatting with me about my 'new look'! I had Lasik surgery last week and no longer have glasses. I've heard far too many times to count about how different I look. I was simply waiting for his similar response.

But, this young man made my week. "Different isn't bad- different is GREAT!"

Awe, how about that boost.

Let's all take some time to step down from our high horses. This weekend and into next week, let's try to remember how wonderful differences are.

Life would be so boring if we were all the same. Work wouldn't be as productive if we all didn't offer various strengths. Families would be bland and without excitement if everyone wanted to do the same thing at the exact same time. Food would lose the amazing spice and flavor that temps our awaiting taste buds.

Different isn't bad. Different is GREAT!

We're all different
Don't judge. Don't assume wrong. Don't think its bad.
Different makes the world go round!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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