How many things can we fit into a day? How can we best maximize the time we are given? How many checks can we make on that list?
Let's talk about that 'list'.
Does it include snuggles with your spouse or children or loved ones? Does it mention the meaningful conversation that might turn into hours of everyone feeling better? Does it carve out the 'you' time needed to care for your health and your sanity (whatever those activities are that you might need)?
The interesting thing about life and deadlines is that at some point - work must get done.
YET- is there a way to get the work done while finding time to stop and smell the flowers?
Is there a way to complete the necessary tasks, while keeping a slower pace that allows for . . . sit-down dinners, meaningful conversations, date nights, writing letters or notes, catching up or maintaining relationships with old friends . . . the things that are truly important in this life.
The other night my son asked me to lay with him. I turned to tell him I had a lot to do and then stopped. I plopped down on his bed and we chatted for five minutes. Five minutes. It was only five minutes- IN MY WHOLE DAY. And I was going to say I didn't have time (like I usually do).
There are people in this world who don't have the luxury to see their loved ones; separated by broken relationships, work or even war.
How lucky am I? Not only does my kid have a comfy bed to sleep in, but there's room enough to offer a spot to his mama.
Take time today. Smell a flower. Watch a cloud until you can form it into a magical creature. Talk to a friend or a co-worker or a family member (and actually engage in the conversation). Sit a little longer to savor your lunch or dinner. Let the dishes sit to finish a thought or a story. Get a workout in. Schedule a haircut or massage. Read a good book. Finish a crossword puzzle.
The rush of life will continue. But, you have the power to control your rush. The work must still get done- and it will. Let your life be enjoyable in the meantime!
Don't let the rush of life let life pass you by #smellflowers
Work & deadlines will always be #peoplewont
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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