Thursday, July 31, 2014

#summergratitude: Take Time to Smell the Flowers!

                                                                           Rush, rush, rush!

How many things can we fit into a day? How can we best maximize the time we are given? How many checks can we make on that list?

Let's talk about that 'list'.

Does it include snuggles with your spouse or children or loved ones? Does it mention the meaningful conversation that might turn into hours of everyone feeling better? Does it carve out the 'you' time needed to care for your health and your sanity (whatever those activities are that you might need)?

The interesting thing about life and deadlines is that at some point - work must get done.

YET- is there a way to get the work done while finding time to stop and smell the flowers?

Is there a way to complete the necessary tasks, while keeping a slower pace that allows for . . . sit-down dinners, meaningful conversations, date nights, writing letters or notes, catching up or maintaining relationships with old friends . . . the things that are truly important in this life.

The other night my son asked me to lay with him. I turned to tell him I had a lot to do and then stopped. I plopped down on his bed and we chatted for five minutes. Five minutes. It was only five minutes- IN MY WHOLE DAY. And I was going to say I didn't have time (like I usually do).

There are people in this world who don't have the luxury to see their loved ones; separated by broken relationships, work or even war.

How lucky am I? Not only does my kid have a comfy bed to sleep in, but there's room enough to offer a spot to his mama.

Take time today. Smell a flower. Watch a cloud until you can form it into a magical creature. Talk to a friend or a co-worker or a family member (and actually engage in the conversation). Sit a little longer to savor your lunch or dinner. Let the dishes sit to finish a thought or a story. Get a workout in. Schedule a haircut or massage. Read a good book. Finish a crossword puzzle.

The rush of life will continue. But, you have the power to control your rush. The work must still get done- and it will. Let your life be enjoyable in the meantime!

  Take Time
Don't let the rush of life let life pass you by
Work & deadlines will always be
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, July 28, 2014

#summergratitude: Just Keep Swimming

For those of you who have seen the movie, Finding Nemo, you can probably hear Dorie the fish repeating her famous saying.
"Just ... Keep .... Swimming. Just ... Keep ... Swimming. Just ... Keep .... Swimming."
Sometimes that's all we can do- just keep going.
And, we must.
There are times in life we feel in control and good about our place on earth. There are other times we struggle to know our purpose, our place and our future.
It's okay.
As we move through our days of summer, we must do what we do best and showcase our talents. We must keep on keeping- knowing that we can push our limitations to the max. We must not quit- even when life seems to be pushing us down.
We must 'just keep swimming'!
The #summergratitude series was started with the idea that if we focus on what's good, the bad seems further away. I hoped that if I was more grateful, I'd live life a little more fully; appreciating the very gifts I sometimes take for granted.
Hopefully, as the summer is winding down, you (& I ) can take time to remember; to focus on the positive and be left with memories of love.
Surely it's not all roses. Of course it wasn't perfect. Find the silver linings. Celebrate successes (as small as they may be)!
Starting something new? Don't be afraid to swim slow and test out the water. Give your insecurities a break; it will get easier.
Struggling with a relationship? It's okay to put yourself in time-out. Let yourself enjoy some quiet thinking, reflecting on what you love most about the person you are struggling with.
Life getting you down? Sometimes it feels like when your down, someone comes by to give you a kick. But, maybe it's a hand someone is trying give you. When life's nuances get the best of you- find good in the little things that are going right in your life.
Happy Monday to you all. Much love, prayers & support to those struggling (as small or big as the struggles are)! Let's all remember . . .
Just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming!
If you happen to be afloat at this point- throw your life raft to some going under :)
Keep On Swimming
 Once you're afloat 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#summergratitude: Is It Bad To Wonder . . .

I know. I know.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I must count my blessings. I need to appreciate my life for what it is right at this moment!

I know.

BUT . . . is it bad to sometimes wonder?

My wonders are almost too silly to mention- but, here I go.

I wonder what it would be like to have my house be clean, from top to bottom, ALL at the same time (and for longer than 30 seconds).

I wonder what it would feel like to organize that closet I've been meaning to organize since last year.

I wonder how good it would feel to get caught up on my kids' schoolbooks from the last three years.

I wonder how fun it would be to spend days ordering, sorting and arranging pictures of our family (forget the scrapbooks I used to do- I'm just hoping for the Shutterfly photo drop-in book).

I wonder how great my bathroom would smell and look if I could actually clean it (it's always last on the list and never gets the attention I REALLY want to give it).

The last few days I've been fighting a summer cold. We are currently packing for a vacation up to a lake in Northern Minnesota. And, I think I'm a little out of sorts about going back to work a week after we get back from vacation.

If I take a moment to put that all together, I'm smart enough to realize that my 'I wonders' are coming from a lack of control in other areas in my life.

Even if I had days of uninterrupted time to clean, organize and do family pictures- it wouldn't make me any happier. For a few moments I would feel in control; in charge and proud. But, life would continue and the same things would need to be done all over again in not too long.

So, it is bad to wonder?


The very things that I'm wondering about completing would require that my life wasn't full of kids, toys, crafts, activities, etc. The very things that make my life meaningful would be gone- and then who would I do all those things for anyway?

I must remind my 'control-freak' self that the grass ISN'T greener on that other side. I must make myself count my many blessings. I must take time to appreciate what is good in my life; not focus on the things that are out of my control at this time. I must stop wondering and just start living.

We got a new magnet pad yesterday from my big sister. She told my oldest daughter that it was for 'to-do lists', because everyone has lists. I couldn't agree more! But, for now, I'm going to forget the lists and take my daughter's advice! "Oh Yay! Life!"

Be careful what you wish for
To-Do lists are overrated
Stop wondering & start living!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, July 11, 2014

#summergratitude: Let Loose :)

When does our life go from making muscle-man arms for a 'mom photo' to just saying a boring old, "cheese"?

At what point in life do we HAVE to grow up?

Who decides what is appropriate for what age?

Shouldn't life be about letting loose and having fun?

Now, I know that life requires a certain amount of responsibility and 'acting your age'. BUT, should this interfere with the enjoyment and blessings that are offered to us each and every day?

Last night our family ventured off to our last swim meet for the season. Finals ended a little late and our 4:30 dinner had long warn off by the time we were headed home at 9:00.

Our pit stop was anything but healthy. However, it sure was entertaining. And, our family definitely 'let loose'!

McDonald's got quite a show. My husband started belting out the songs playing over the sound system. It's probably a good thing there weren't too many people trying to enjoy a burger.

My son almost looked embarrassed, "DAAAAAAD." He indicated that his father should stop acting like a four-year-old.

My husbands' response was anything but mature. "Oh, am I embarrassing you? You just wait. This is nothing compared to the embarrassment you caused me at the swim meet. I'm just getting started." Then he let off an evil laugh with an obnoxious smirk.

Everyone burst out laughing.

Our meal wasn't the healthiest. Our kids probably should have been in bed. Our behavior was a little over the top. BUT, I have to admit that we let loose, lived a little and loved our time together. A great way to end our night and celebrate some individual success of our children.

At some point we all need to live life in a balance between acting responsibly to complete life 'requirements' and having fun living life joyfully. The difficulty is finding that balance.

Each stage of life has amazing opportunities, yet daunting challenges. As we navigate through life and through the ages, we must help each other find the necessary balance to live an enjoyable life.

Today, let's challenge each other to . . .

Let loose. Laugh (not just a chuckle, but a big old belly laugh). Appreciate small moments. Notice glimmers of hope. Love. Reach out to someone struggling.

Best wishes as you let loose and head into the wonderful weekend. Don't be afraid to get a little silly.

Life requires a certain amount of responsibility,
 but don't forget to
Let Loose!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, July 7, 2014

#summergratitude: Remember When . . .

Quotes On Images

The other day did NOT feel like summer- and I LOVED it!

Cool breeze. Chilly temps. Sweatshirts on.

All the swim events were cancelled for the day and we headed to the zoo.

My kind of weather.

As we were heading down the most ginormous hill ever created to see our second animal of choice (the giraffes), I noticed a family about the head UP the deadly hill.

The mom was pushing a double stroller- two kids full. The dad was pushing a double stroller- one kid riding and one attached to his front in a carrier. I had a moment of Remember When . . .

I smiled bright. The mom probably thought I was laughing at her. But, my feeling was quite the opposite.

I stopped for a second to give praise. "Way to go. You two are doing great! I remember those days not too long ago. We're down to a wagon and three walkers. We are almost there."

The dad took a look at my brood. My oldest three on foot and the baby (who is NOT a baby any longer) riding in the back of the wagon. His question was sincere, "It goes fast, doesn't it?"

My response was real and honest. "It sure does. Try to enjoy as many moments as you can."

I remember when I thought we would never be out of diapers. I remember when ever outing we took felt like we were packing for a trip to Disney (which we've never really been, so I don't fully know- ha). I remember feeling like days would never end; like I'd never get a good night's rest; like I'd never be able to have a moment to myself; like I was completely alone, yet always surrounded by little people.

Don't get me wrong, I have amazing memories from those years, too. But if we are real about life, we must know that we can't LOVE every second of every day. So we must appreciate as many of the moments as we can. It's not going to be perfect, but when the time is gone and we are left 'remembering when . . .' there is a sense of accomplishment, pride and certainly longing for wanting to go back and make sure we made the most of our time.

Where at you at this Monday morning? What times can you remember from the past that will help you appreciate where you are today?

A job that was once overwhelming that now feels just right?
A marriage that was struggling that now has renewed love?
An illness that was once debilitating that now is managed?
A family that was in turmoil that now has moments of glory?

Take time today to 'Remember When'. After all, time goes by so quickly that we occasionally forget to see growth made.

And for those of you stuck in a struggling, overwhelming or debilitating time of life, many warm thoughts are offered up for you. That soon you will be able to look back on this time as just another stepping stone to your journey that makes you even stronger than you know you are.

I'll leave you with a song! Alan Jackson's, Remember When, is too perfect not to mention. A must for you to listen to if you haven't heard it. The journey of life can seem long- yet looking back, it's easy to see how it too quickly passes us by.

Notice strength gained from past experiences
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

#summergratitude: Count Your Blessings

Lil' Luna

Go on. Count them. One by one.

Right now.

Say them out loud or to yourself. It doesn't matter if you shout them from the rooftop, whisper them in your head or write them on a paper.

The important thing is to just do it.

While I've been able to avoid major heart ache recently, I have a few friends and family who have not been as lucky. Life has taken them by surprise in the most painful way.

We can't fix our loved ones struggles. We can't take them away. But, we must fight to remember that we are lucky and blessed. The one thing we can do for them is not take for granted the very idea that we have the opportunity to live life fully.

So, after you count your blessings and note how many you have . . . take a moment to send warm thoughts or lift up a few prayers for those who are having to deal with unthinkable struggles, pain and heartache.

Let's all come together in this thing we call life. Let's be more understanding that we might not completely understand what others are going through. Let's be patient and caring and reach out.

It's hump day- a chance for so many to head closer to the end of the work week and closer to the approaching holiday. Let's be grateful for jobs, family, food, friends and time.

For the rest of this week and into our weekends, let's make the very most of our time to live. Gratitude can become a habit if we make it. We must shift our lens on life and find the silver linings when possible.

If your kids are driving you mad- be grateful your kids are able to run, jump, holler & play.
If you're stuck at red light after red light- be thankful for time to look around at the beauty lurking at every corner.
If work isn't everything you wish it could be- be thoughtful of those who aren't able to work or can't find employment.
If your house is a disaster- count your blessings . . . you have a house and people to fill it and mess it all up.

Change your thinking. We can't fix life for those struggling right now, but we can certainly remember not to take our own lives for granted.

Warm thoughts, many prayers and hopeful wishes go out to those special people in my life dealing with the greatest challenges I could imagine. I believe in you all and am a better person for knowing you!

Count your blessings
Look- ordinary can be amazing
Loved ones may be struggling
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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