Monday, July 28, 2014

#summergratitude: Just Keep Swimming

For those of you who have seen the movie, Finding Nemo, you can probably hear Dorie the fish repeating her famous saying.
"Just ... Keep .... Swimming. Just ... Keep ... Swimming. Just ... Keep .... Swimming."
Sometimes that's all we can do- just keep going.
And, we must.
There are times in life we feel in control and good about our place on earth. There are other times we struggle to know our purpose, our place and our future.
It's okay.
As we move through our days of summer, we must do what we do best and showcase our talents. We must keep on keeping- knowing that we can push our limitations to the max. We must not quit- even when life seems to be pushing us down.
We must 'just keep swimming'!
The #summergratitude series was started with the idea that if we focus on what's good, the bad seems further away. I hoped that if I was more grateful, I'd live life a little more fully; appreciating the very gifts I sometimes take for granted.
Hopefully, as the summer is winding down, you (& I ) can take time to remember; to focus on the positive and be left with memories of love.
Surely it's not all roses. Of course it wasn't perfect. Find the silver linings. Celebrate successes (as small as they may be)!
Starting something new? Don't be afraid to swim slow and test out the water. Give your insecurities a break; it will get easier.
Struggling with a relationship? It's okay to put yourself in time-out. Let yourself enjoy some quiet thinking, reflecting on what you love most about the person you are struggling with.
Life getting you down? Sometimes it feels like when your down, someone comes by to give you a kick. But, maybe it's a hand someone is trying give you. When life's nuances get the best of you- find good in the little things that are going right in your life.
Happy Monday to you all. Much love, prayers & support to those struggling (as small or big as the struggles are)! Let's all remember . . .
Just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming!
If you happen to be afloat at this point- throw your life raft to some going under :)
Keep On Swimming
 Once you're afloat 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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