Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#summergratitude: Is It Bad To Wonder . . .

I know. I know.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I must count my blessings. I need to appreciate my life for what it is right at this moment!

I know.

BUT . . . is it bad to sometimes wonder?

My wonders are almost too silly to mention- but, here I go.

I wonder what it would be like to have my house be clean, from top to bottom, ALL at the same time (and for longer than 30 seconds).

I wonder what it would feel like to organize that closet I've been meaning to organize since last year.

I wonder how good it would feel to get caught up on my kids' schoolbooks from the last three years.

I wonder how fun it would be to spend days ordering, sorting and arranging pictures of our family (forget the scrapbooks I used to do- I'm just hoping for the Shutterfly photo drop-in book).

I wonder how great my bathroom would smell and look if I could actually clean it (it's always last on the list and never gets the attention I REALLY want to give it).

The last few days I've been fighting a summer cold. We are currently packing for a vacation up to a lake in Northern Minnesota. And, I think I'm a little out of sorts about going back to work a week after we get back from vacation.

If I take a moment to put that all together, I'm smart enough to realize that my 'I wonders' are coming from a lack of control in other areas in my life.

Even if I had days of uninterrupted time to clean, organize and do family pictures- it wouldn't make me any happier. For a few moments I would feel in control; in charge and proud. But, life would continue and the same things would need to be done all over again in not too long.

So, it is bad to wonder?


The very things that I'm wondering about completing would require that my life wasn't full of kids, toys, crafts, activities, etc. The very things that make my life meaningful would be gone- and then who would I do all those things for anyway?

I must remind my 'control-freak' self that the grass ISN'T greener on that other side. I must make myself count my many blessings. I must take time to appreciate what is good in my life; not focus on the things that are out of my control at this time. I must stop wondering and just start living.

We got a new magnet pad yesterday from my big sister. She told my oldest daughter that it was for 'to-do lists', because everyone has lists. I couldn't agree more! But, for now, I'm going to forget the lists and take my daughter's advice! "Oh Yay! Life!"

Be careful what you wish for
To-Do lists are overrated
Stop wondering & start living!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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