Friday, July 11, 2014

#summergratitude: Let Loose :)

When does our life go from making muscle-man arms for a 'mom photo' to just saying a boring old, "cheese"?

At what point in life do we HAVE to grow up?

Who decides what is appropriate for what age?

Shouldn't life be about letting loose and having fun?

Now, I know that life requires a certain amount of responsibility and 'acting your age'. BUT, should this interfere with the enjoyment and blessings that are offered to us each and every day?

Last night our family ventured off to our last swim meet for the season. Finals ended a little late and our 4:30 dinner had long warn off by the time we were headed home at 9:00.

Our pit stop was anything but healthy. However, it sure was entertaining. And, our family definitely 'let loose'!

McDonald's got quite a show. My husband started belting out the songs playing over the sound system. It's probably a good thing there weren't too many people trying to enjoy a burger.

My son almost looked embarrassed, "DAAAAAAD." He indicated that his father should stop acting like a four-year-old.

My husbands' response was anything but mature. "Oh, am I embarrassing you? You just wait. This is nothing compared to the embarrassment you caused me at the swim meet. I'm just getting started." Then he let off an evil laugh with an obnoxious smirk.

Everyone burst out laughing.

Our meal wasn't the healthiest. Our kids probably should have been in bed. Our behavior was a little over the top. BUT, I have to admit that we let loose, lived a little and loved our time together. A great way to end our night and celebrate some individual success of our children.

At some point we all need to live life in a balance between acting responsibly to complete life 'requirements' and having fun living life joyfully. The difficulty is finding that balance.

Each stage of life has amazing opportunities, yet daunting challenges. As we navigate through life and through the ages, we must help each other find the necessary balance to live an enjoyable life.

Today, let's challenge each other to . . .

Let loose. Laugh (not just a chuckle, but a big old belly laugh). Appreciate small moments. Notice glimmers of hope. Love. Reach out to someone struggling.

Best wishes as you let loose and head into the wonderful weekend. Don't be afraid to get a little silly.

Life requires a certain amount of responsibility,
 but don't forget to
Let Loose!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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