People who are seasoned, who have lived in this world much longer than I, often offer the advice, "Enjoy this time with your kids. It goes way too fast." When I was a first-time mom, everything was new and exciting. Each new stage, every smirk and grin ... I appreciated it all. I didn't understand why I was receiving this advice because at the time, things weren't moving all that quickly. I was able to enjoy each moment and relish in the joys that were occurring.
Fast forward to having four kids and a house full of madness. I get the advice. I understand that time does fly when you least expect it and before you know it, your littlest baby is two years old. The tiny baby that was once your first pride and joy becomes eight years old and almost taller than her aunt.
Last night I was playing volleyball. I had put out some minor fires in the midst of playing the game, but was still able to focus while my four children were busy playing with the other kids. The team we were playing was young and fresh and kid-less. It made our team laugh to think back to the days when that was us. No cares in the world except to not enjoy ourselves too much because work might be a little long the next day.
We had eight kids playing in the sand beside our court- all belonging to our team. We only had five people because we were short a player, but we were holding our own. The last game was about to wrap up; only a few more points and we would be able to claim two of the three wins. My two-year-old ventured onto the court and WAS NOT going to get off. One of our players tried to move her, my daughter tried to hold her back ... she was not going to have it.
I left my team to fend with four players while I consoled my littlest. I tried every bribe in the book, even offering to buy her a pop afterwards if she would just let me go finish the game. Minutes later, the team came off the court ... Victorious! They had won despite only having four players. I was a little frustrated, embarrassed ... I don't know exactly. But, I was ready to call it quits and just head home. Why? It was only a few minutes of my night that got spoiled. And, it wasn't even spoiled. I got to snuggle my upset baby and my team still won.
I regrouped, bought a pizza (fighting off the crying two-year-old to buy a pop; I was so proud of myself for not giving in), and enjoyed a beer with friends. The night was a huge success when you look at the big picture. The kids had a wonderful time, I had great conversation with friends ... who could ask for more?
Little moments sometimes spoil our overall perception of things. I was only inconvenienced for a few minutes out of what turned out to be a three-hour time span. That little moment was only going to destroy the night IF I LET IT! Which, I often do.
It's good to be reminded that kids will be kids. It's equally important to remember that life is not meant to be perfect. There are bumps in the road and curves along the ride. It's what I make of it that is important!
Here's to wishing you have a wonderful weekend; that on Sunday night you can look back and see the big picture. I'm sure it won't be perfect, that there will be minor hang-ups! Don't let them get you down. Let the daunting moments pass and get wrapped up in the overall goodness!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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