Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Seriously? COME ON!

So we headed out the door this morning to walk/ride bikes to the school for the summer library program.  I had this amazing plan to go to the program and then go for a run pushing the jogging stroller with the youngest while the three oldest kids rode their bikes.  You know what they say about great plans?  Well, life definitely intervened.

My five-year-old thought her idea to 'push' her baby in a separate stroller on our walk to school was WAY better than my plan.  I didn't want to deal with a fight, so I decided to let her.  I figured I could go for a run as soon as we got home.  Again, life intervened.

The two-year-old WAS NOT going to let her older sister push the baby stroller and insisted on doing it herself.  I was quite impressed that the five-year-old was actually going to share and let her push, so I didn't fight it.  I thought the two-year-old would tire out quickly and so off we went ... the two oldest kids on their bikes, my five-year-old supervising her two-year-old sister pushing the baby doll in a stroller, and me pushing an empty jogging stroller.

The walk to school took no less than 25 minutes (it's easily a 10 minute walk on a normal day).  My two-year-old DID NOT tire out.  It was incredibly daunting ... the bunny, the bird, the bug, the swaying tree ... the baby stroller stopped about every two seconds.  The whole time I tried some positive self-talk, "Just enjoy this moment, they are having so much fun.  The older two aren't complaining and are waiting nicely at each corner.  This is what it's all about."  Ha, ha, ha.  My positive self-talk was NOT working.

We made it to school, we made it through check-out, we made an adorable butterfly craft.  Then, it was time to venture home.  OH MY GOODNESS.  By the third block, I was about ready to blow my top.  It was taking FOREVER.  When we were finally two blocks from home, after what seemed like an eternity (I mean each block I think I stopped 50 times, encouraging the younger two to keep walking), I sent my older two home.  I let them ride without my supervision.  I reminded them to double-check the streets.  I told them they could go in the front door and wait for us to get there.

I couldn't take it any more.  I picked up the stroller with the baby doll and hiked it over my shoulder.  And for the last two blocks here is how the best laid plan panned out ...

A crazy mother pushing and EMPTY stroller while carrying an umbrella stroller with a baby doll strapped in.  She was followed by a five-year-old trying to console a screaming two-year-old.  After being screamed at from the back deck by an older sibling about what the problem was, the five-year-old shouted, "She's having an attitude problem.  She's throwing a fit." 

Seriously!  The walk home took FOREVER.  And, then to have it end with the five-year-old talking about someone having an attitude.  Nothing other than the pot calling the kettle black:)  The run never happened, but at least we made it home in one piece.

It's okay.  Hopefully not to many people were home to witness the incredible event!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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