Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pathetic, I Know!

Well, I may be pathetic ... but, I did it!  I got up this morning (after snoozing only three times), grabbed a t-shirt, swished some mouthwash (brushing my teeth would have woke the dog), ran downstairs, dressed as quickly as I could and headed out the front door.  It was after I got about a block that I realized my eyes still weren't quite open, that my hair looked like Medusa and my face probably looked like Frankenstein. 

I got out the door for a run this morning WITHOUT anyone bothering me.  I had 30 glorious minutes of peace.  The neighborhood was quiet, the lake looked crystal clear, the birds and crickets were singing loudly and the baby bunny I encountered may have been the cutest one I have ever seen.  I must say that my morning seemed even more beautiful because no one was spoiling it!

Getting up early with the hopes of getting in a quick run or doing a little work or just having some quiet time often get spoiled by an early riser.  I'm going to thrive on the fact that this morning it actually work ... pathetic as it was ... I made it out the door without dealing with anyone but my pathetic self!

I'd be lying if I didn't confess that yesterday was a little daunting.  My five-year-old got the best of me.  At one point I just sat in the front seat holding my two-year-old with a tear running down ... my terror had locked the back van door and was refusing to move.  I didn't have the energy to fight, so I just sat and waited.  The whole day seemed to be filled with those kind of daunting moments, but I won't bore you with the details. 

It's okay.  Today is fresh.  Today is new.  And as I look back, yesterday wasn't ALL bad.  I sure needed that jog this morning.  I've got three kids parked in front of the TV right now and one still sleeping.  The craziness is going to take over soon.  I promise to try not to forget this amazing moment when times get difficult today!

Here's to wishing your day has a peaceful moment tucked away in it.  It may not last for long, but try to relish in it.  Let it revive you.  Let it give you the fresh, clear, new perspective you need:)

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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