Monday, June 3, 2013

Awe and Wonder

This last weekend we had the opportunity to go to a family wedding in Minnesota.  There were many moments throughout the night that I was struck with awe and wonder.  I can't explain why, but I found myself completely memorized by the life I have been blessed with.  Now, I don't say this without the disclaimer that these feelings are rare.  There are too many moments that pass in my life that I am NOT as thankful or grateful as I should be.  There are too many times that I forget to enjoy the very goodness I am surrounded by.  This doesn't make me a bad person, I believe it just makes me human!

So, back to my awe and wonder.  It all started as we walked up to this magical like cottage with a huge wrap-around deck.  We were all in matching ensembles ... an event to write home about.  In my eight years as a mother, we have NEVER had full-on matching outfits.  So, this night, was pretty special (and somewhat awkward for me and my husband since everyone seemed to notice and comment!).  We were able to capture our matching moment on camera ... an amazing feat in and of itself!  I was watching my family walk up the stairs to the cottage and got caught up in the moment.  They looked so beautiful.  I even made a comment to my sister-in-law about my husband, "I think he's got more handsome as he aged!"

There was the cousins playing, my daughter dipping her bare feet in every puddle, the girls twirling in their dresses ... it was quite wonderful.  Then there was the most beautiful marriage ceremony I have ever encountered.  The vows were so genuine and so real.  I found myself getting caught up in their words and changing them only slightly in my own mind to mirror how I felt about my husband the day I married him.  It reminded me how much we have grown the last nine years.  It humbles you to realize how life has moved so quickly and we have managed to stay the course together.

After the ceremony and all throughout dinner I was waiting for something to go wrong ... waiting for a disaster.  It never came.  Dinner was cleared and everyone headed out to the deck until it was dancing time.  There was nice conversation, good drinks, children laughing and playing, a cool breeze and the recognition of the importance of family.

When the dancing began, my three girls lined up next to the dance floor.  They stared.  I could tell they were imagining what their wedding day and first dance would be like.  I found myself wondering the same thing for them.  I couldn't take my eyes off them.  They were so beautiful.  My boy was outside being all boy- putting grass stains all over his nice clothes.  I realized I didn't care because he was having the time of his life, and life is messy and dirty.  If you can't enjoy the moment without getting dirty, it probably wasn't a moment worth having.

Once the dance floor opened up, my two-year-old became the life of the party.  I didn't dance with her that much because I only seemed to get in her way.  I just stood to the side or sat away where I could keep an eye on her.  Strangers were taking picture after picture of her.  She looked amazing.  She didn't stop.  All night, she didn't stop.  And I couldn't shake the awe and wonder.  I couldn't let go of the magical moment.  I wished it to go on forever.  I wished that I would remember it during the moments I wasn't feeling grateful and thankful.

My husband and I shared a few slow dances.  We were able to get lost in our own moment.  There were several minutes where we able to just 'be' with one another.  It has been years since we weren't chasing or worrying about what a kid was doing.  We got to have the time that gets lost when you have little people you're trying to raise.  The spins and dips about topped off the night!

We will continue to have crazy moments in our house.  I will have days where I forget to be thankful for the blessings I am surrounded by.  I will mess-up.  I will fail.  But, last Friday night, I was able to get lost in a amazing moment of awe and wonder.  I was able to stop and stare and dream of what our future holds.

Here's to wishing you have 'awe and wonder' moments and that those moments will carry you through the other moments that may not be as wonderful!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.

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