Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Just DON'T Sit Down!

Am I the only human being who loses all motivation to do ANYTHING once my butt hits the couch?  I swear, as long as I DO NOT sit down, I can get stuff done.  Even if I have to walk eight laps around the house, only putting four things away, I'm still more productive than if I give into the hideous temptation of my couch.

There are times during the year when my husband and I have our favorite shows.  These become our priority (sad, I know) when putting our children in bed.  These few nights are designated 'our show' nights.  The kids know that we get extra grouchy if the bedtime routine takes too long.  We don't ask a lot ... just that we can watch our darn shows.  And, I'm talking two or three.  If we were in the newest century and weren't so cheap, we could just DVR our shows and watch them later.  But, alas, we have the cheapest cable possible and so if we miss our show, we miss it.

Last night was the season finale of 'The Voice'.  Love, love, love this show.  I've missed a few episodes because we are full-on into our summer routine and forget about our show nights.  But, last night, I was not going to forget.

I sent my husband and two kids to a friend's baseball game and stayed home with my oldest and youngest.  The little one has not hit her pillow before 10:00 pm the last four nights (I know, 'Mom of the Year') and so she got to get in her crib promptly at 7:15.  The oldest needed her rest as well, but she really wanted to see who the winner would be.

When I sat down at 8:00 pm last night, I made a huge mistake.  Not only did I not fight having my child go to bed, but I took a snoozer right in the middle of MY show.  Yes, I fell asleep on the couch.  It took everything in me just to get up to feed the dog and let him out to go pee.  My daughter took a little nap as well, but I woke her just before the winner was announced.

I am no good to anyone once my butt hits the couch.  I know I need some relaxing nights, but I was beyond pathetic last night.  I'm hoping I'm not alone in being so lazy that I will have to rewash the load of laundry that has been sitting in the machine for two days.  I also left the dinner dishes to deal with this morning.  I left a heap of pool towels and swimsuits (thank goodness they were dry) lying on the only end of the couch not inhabited by me or my daughter.  The list of things I SHOULD have done will go on and on!  Next time I have to remember to 'just NOT sit down'!

It's okay.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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