So many things in life would be made easier if we would just stay on top of them ... laundry, homework, dishes, household maintenance, etc. Staying on top of the little things in life is so great- IN THEORY!
Now, let's talk about reality.
I signed up to do a 1/2 marathon in the hopes of getting my lazy bottom moving again. If I signed up, I'd have to do, right? Well, life has definitely gotten in the way of my training. I was supposed to do a seven-mile run this last weekend (of course, I was also supposed to run four other times last week) ... ha! Let's just say I DID NOT do it. But, I did get up this morning and run five miles. Yeah for me- kind of.
So, I got up and ran. But, then, there was that problem of also having time to get the kids ready for school and myself presentable to walk them to school. Shower ... nope. Two-year-old dressed ... nope.
We made it to school, but the pacifier was still glued to the two-year-old's mouth and the winter pj's that she slept in last night were a HOT choice for our 85 degree walk to school.
It's okay.
I've had a library book that is two weeks over-due. It's already been renewed twice ... they won't let me legally keep it any longer. I AM going to finish it. Even though I will owe fine after fine to get it done.
Life is not neat and pretty. Household chores and summer projects and fixing life up goes by the wayside. Day to day living is hard enough sometimes. We can not do it all.
That being said, if you've got the spirit and the oomph, JUST DO IT!
If you don't have it in you, JUST DON'T. But, then don't beat yourself up about it for days or weeks or months or years.
We are all good at different things. God blessed us each with unique strengths and limitations. Priorities will be different for each of us. Sometimes putting one dish away is just too much. And sometimes cleaning the whole house is no problem.
Go with it. Go with the mood you are in. Get done what you can ... leave the rest for tomorrow (or next year).
When our lives are over, what's going to matter more? Projects completed or relationships fostered? To-Do lists crossed off or play-time memories? Neat and clean vacuum lines or quality time with friends and family?
Balance is the key.
So, as wishy-washy as the Tuesday Tip is ... here's to hoping you are able to get done what is needing to be done while still enjoying the time you have with the loved ones around you!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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