Friday, August 16, 2013

COME ON, WOMAN ... Be Reasonable!

Fun Friday is supposed to be FUN! It's the one day during the school week that the kiddos get to watch TV. It's the day they can ride a bike or scooter to school. It's meant to celebrate the end of a great week.

Why, then, must I be SOOOOO unreasonable? Why not enjoy the moment, have a little fun and let the kids be kids?

It's not my seven-year-old's fault that he spilled ketchup on his new white spirit shirt the other night at the Back-to-School celebration. It's my fault that I didn't check to see if the spot came out before washing it.

It's not my kindergartner's fault that she gets caught up in enjoying things other than what she is supposed to be doing. She's five, for goodness sakes. She is one that truly appreciates the little things in life. I know this. It's my fault for not allowing her the extra time I KNOW she needs.

It's not my oldest daughter's fault that she wants to be early to school so she can complete her Daily Oral Language. It's my fault that I put her bun too high and her helmet wouldn't fit over the top. A reasonable mother would have helped her quickly, knowing she just wanted to be a good student!

Threatening to NEVER have Fun Friday again is certainly NOT reasonable, nor was my crabbiness or looks of disgust. 

Slow down. Breath. Be Reasonable. Let people be the people they are meant to be. If you know the people in your life (at all...), you can certainly be prepared for the things that are going to come up. And, when things come up that you least expect, don't take it out on them. It's not their fault.

My son was yet again the most reasonable one in our house this morning. Even after he lost his privilege to ride his scooter. Which, technically, he didn't lose ... it's just that his mother lost her marbles (AGAIN).

"Son, I'm very sorry that I got frustrated with you. I was really just frustrated with myself and your little sister. I didn't want us to be late for school and I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Thank goodness for little boys, "It's okay, mom."

So, sometimes we screw up. Sometimes we forget to enjoy the moment (well, at least I do)! Sometimes, we use words like 'always' and 'never' knowing that we are speaking out of anger. Sometimes we don't fully appreciate the FUN that life can bring.

I certainly was not reasonable for about 20 minutes this morning. But, I sucked it up and apologized. I recognized my error. I admitted my failure. It's okay!

Here's to your Friday! I hope that it is fantastic and fun. I know my has been since I remembered that the purpose of being around for my kids is to actually enjoy them! Don't forget that we are all human. Be reasonable with the people you love ... and don't forget to tell them how wonderful they are!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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