Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Take It All In Stride

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do with what happens to you."

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

"Is your glass half empty or half full?"

These silly little quotes have been around so long, that you can't even figure out who to give credit for originally saying them. If it was you ... kudos!

There are moments, hours, days, weeks, months or even years of your life that will feel utterly overwhelming. The funny thing about this is that each one of us have a different threshold; and each of us deal with our stress in various ways.

It's okay that some days I'm sensitive about nothing in particular. It's okay that sometimes I'm more put together when major events happen rather than just the day to day nuances. People will beat themselves up over having a hard time with the life they are living ... saying, "I don't even have anything majorly wrong in my life."

We can't compare our lives. Just as we can't compare our limitations or our mistakes. In the same instance, though, we can't judge someone else because we 'feel' like they have it better than us. Each one of us will extend ourselves beyond what we can give at times. Each one of us will feel helpless, alone, confused, frustrated, etc. These emotions are what make us human.

When life gets tough, we must remember to take it all in stride. We must remember that it won't always be as hard as it is in that horrid moment or day or month or year. We must try to be grateful for the goodness in our lives. We must try to push on and make it to when we feel a little more at ease or in control.

This time of year is transnational for most people. Adults and children will deal with this transition in different ways. Remember to be kind to someone today. Remember to take a deep breath and stay calm in a stressful moment you or your child will have. Remember that this too shall pass. A new routine will be established soon (granted some other new transition will creep it's way into your life by then, but you will have at least one thing under control!).

I'll leave you with a funny story and an idea of how well I handle transitions ... we were to get letters from our school on Friday or Saturday about who their teachers would be. In the letter is the name of the teacher, as well as reminders about the supply list and any 'need to know' information. Friday was devastating enough when the letters didn't come ... but after the mail truck drove away Saturday and our box was empty ... there was very distraught children (and a somewhat distraught mother). I like to be prepared, as do my two school-aged girls. My son, bless his heart, is as go-with-the-flow as ever!

We all ended up inside- one in tears, one throwing a major tantrum and me on the verge of losing my marbles all together! My son walked over, rubbed my back and said, "Mom, really, it's going to be okay."

Take it all in stride. This too shall pass. When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it!

Thank you, my boy, for reminding me that 'it's okay'!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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