Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Be Realistic

Set yourself up for success.

Choose your path wisely.

Be SMART about your goals.

Know your limitations.

My Tuesday Tip ... be realistic about handling challenges in your life. Be realistic about how you and your little people will respond to change. Don't assume that everyone can 'suck it up' and make it through without a tantrum here and there.

Major changes are on the horizon. These changes are not the same for everyone and each unique individual will respond differently to the changes looming. It's critical to be realistic about what you and what others can handle during this transition.

Yesterday I WAS NOT realistic and it bit me hard. I finally went for an angry run last night at 9:00 pm and evaluated each step I took further away from having a successful day.

1. My children were forced to spend a quiet hour at school while I did some volunteer work.
2. The bank hadn't had their air on for four days ... hot buildings make everyone crabby.
3. Taking four children to fill out paperwork in Human Resources is never a good idea ... even when you threaten their lives.
4. Lunch with dad is extra special EXCEPT when you've had to be quiet all morning.
5. Trying to mow the lawn while four children play nicely is impossible after a quiet morning and a whole summer of being stuck together.
6. Chatting with friends while the kids are supposed to sit quietly in the car isn't really fair to them. 

These six steps were just the biggies that stand out in my day. I realized as I was running, I did nothing for my kids yesterday. I didn't allow them any time to just 'be' with me. I was preoccupied the entire day with my stuff.

The highlight to my crabbiness ... after having to stop mowing without finishing to get dinner off the grill, I reminded the children they could come and eat after the basement was clean. I proceeded to eat my dinner. It was hot off the grill and there wasn't a soul bothering me. My husband hadn't gotten home yet and I pathetically sat at a table dressed for six, ALONE. Sadly I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I threw more than one adult temper tantrum yesterday. Success would NOT be a word I would use for my Monday. Or would it? I got everything done that needed to be done. I just unfortunately had a horrible attitude about it all. Think of how great yesterday would have been had I

... recognized my children for having moments of greatness in a day full of adult activities.

... said thank you to the little people in my life for putting up with me as I struggle through a transition.

... expressed how I was feeling rather than just ranting like a crazy person.

... sat down for five minutes with my kids and asked them what they wanted out of their Monday.

Oh well. It's Okay. Today is bright and new. Sometimes sucking it up can't happen until after the fact. I will remember to be realistic today. I will have a successful day with a smile on my face and laughter coming from my mouth. Thank goodness for angry runs to reevaluate long days!

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