Friday, August 23, 2013

Back-To-School Blues

Ready. Set. Go!

No rest for the weary!

Slow is not an option!

Up, up, up. Go, go, go.

School year, here we come.

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, part-time worker or an all year full-time worker, back-to-school is a tricky time of year. Transitions are hard on everyone. Summer fun has to end. Busy schedules will begin again.

While some of us handle change better than others, no matter what circumstance you are in, saying good-bye to summer is difficult and exciting all at the same time.

There is that feeling of wanting to be back in a normal routine. There is hope that getting on a schedule will somehow help your children get along better. There is the thought that school will somehow give you 'more' time.

It's hard. Going back to school is just plain hard. Why is that you look forward to kicking the kids to the curb all summer (when they are awfully behaved), but then the moment you drop them off you are left feeling empty?

There's something special about summer ... later nights, BBQ's with friends, sleeping in, vacations, less rushing, family time, etc. Of course, there is also the sibling rivalry, the boredom, the whining and the endless amounts of crap that pile up from being home all day!

You can't win with this thing called life. In one breathe, you want freedom from your kids and the next, you feel lost and alone without them. You beg for time to get stuff done, but then the time comes and you want nothing to do with all that summer-project list you never touched.

It's okay to struggle with this transition back to school. It's okay that my five-year-old is successful at school, but can't make it a second at home without getting into trouble. It's normal to feel torn about sending your kids off to school. It's okay to wish for something different. It's okay to look back and wonder what the heck you did with your summer.

The important thing ... the thing to remember ... these times are hard. Emotions will be out of whack for everyone in your family. Schedules will get crazy. You will get cranky. Your kids will do the unexpected.

Try to take it all in stride. Try to pick out and appreciate the amazing moments you had this summer. Notice the wonderful things happening through all the changes occurring. Don't beat yourself up when things aren't what you thought they would be. Give yourself credit when you handle something well. Tell your kids when they do something right. Keep your head up. Smile. Enjoy the day for what it's worth and remember ... "It's okay, there's always next summer!"

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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