Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Don't Get Caught Up

My Tuesday Tip is one that we all struggle with. Whether we want to admit it or not, there are times when we get caught up in judging others. On that same note, though, there are also too many times that we get caught up in beating ourselves up because we are not as good as others.

Judgment is difficult all the way around. I am not perfect. You are not perfect. We all struggle. We all mess-up. We all have bad days. That being said, it's unfair for us to judge someone else for their behavior when we do not know their story. Even if we know part of their story, we cannot fully comprehend how their story affected their heart, their feelings, their attitudes and their behavior.

It also does no good to compare ourselves against others. When we do this, essentially, we are judging ourselves. We are questioning why we are not good enough or strong enough.

We have to stop. Most times in life, we are ALL just doing the best we can with the strengths and limitations we were blessed with. Life will throw us curve balls that we cannot be ready for. Sometimes we can just go with it and hit the ball out of the park. But sometimes, it's just too much.

Be understanding. Not just of others, but of yourself. Don't beat yourself up because of your imperfections, rather capitalize on the amazing things that make you who you are. Don't wish for what others have ... take what you have and find blessings in the smallest joys.

If you've got caught up recently- in judging others or yourself- it's okay. Don't be afraid to start over. Don't think it's too late for a fresh outlook. Walk to a mirror near you and look in it. Find the things about yourself that make you 100% YOU! And love it. You won't be perfect. There will always be imperfections. Love yourself anyway. And try to love those around you, too (flaws and all)!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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