Thursday, May 8, 2014

#fridayfolly: Arghhhhhhhhh!

How do you describe what people are going through this time of year?

Busy. Crazy. Overwhelmed. Sad. Anxious. Excited. Tired.

Spring brings a sense of new beginnings and new life. People are outside walking, playing and caring for their property.

The sun rises earlier and goes to bed later. Days get longer. Smells of fresh life and grilling fill the air.

Why if this is such a joyful time, is there such angst and alarm?

This time of year is busy with holidays, parties, school activities and outdoor opportunities. YET, we still have to live.

Life continues to move at the same pace, but we add in so many extras. Not to mention, there is still personal struggles that complicate our living.

It's great to be outside, but that means the indoor work takes a back seat. It's wonderful that the days are longer, but that means the children are up later (and the work that needs to be done after bedtime gets moved). It's fantastic that celebrations are upon us, yet difficult to squeeze in every activity. It's terrific that it' warmer outside, but that means my ultra-white skin and winter weight is fully exposed.


School is almost out. Anticipation for summer makes everyone a little anxious. Change is hard . . . there is no way around it. The school to summer transition creates major changes in schedules and routines.

Everyone right now is struggling with something. While spring is an amazing chance for fresh, new growth, it's also difficult for many. Be easy on yourself and give others the benefit of the doubt. Who knows what may be challenging them this May?

Take time today to look at your own craziness. Ask yourself if you're balancing work and play in a way that is comfortable for you. Allow yourself a minute of peace to catch your breathe and evaluate what you are missing in your life.

Once you can identify which part of your life is so overwhelming, you can begin to grow just like the blooming flowers and green grass.

Busy, busy, busy spring! STOP.
Take a moment to reflect.
hidden amongst all the craziness you are currently living!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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