Friday, May 16, 2014

#fridayfolly: Sometimes Nothing is Really Something!

'I Got Nothing!'

That was what I was going to title my blog last night. I sat for almost an hour fiddling, typing, deleting, fiddling some more, typing some more . . . until finally I closed my computer and called it quits.

I was feeling as if there was nothing meaningful for me to write about; nothing note worthy. Yet, today as I scrambled through my Friday I realized- I'm not struggling with NOTHING, I'm struggling with too many SOMETHINGS!

Change has always been and will continue to be a source of stress for me. The unknown drives me absolutely crazy. I like to have my 'you-know-what' together. I enjoy being prepared. I very much dislike surprises!

I know- I'm the fun-hater. My kids think so, too! Sadly my #3 was so proud that I actually cracked a smile when she let out a juicy fart in the middle of the Target Café earlier this evening. I think I might have won mom of the moment! Yay, me.

So, back to change. Summer is quickly approaching. Work is rapidly ending. Exercising ceased to a minimum this week. Quick, easy and bad food over-took our diets.

BLAH. I just feel a little blah. And I didn't want to bore any of you with my blah-ness . . . and certainly, I didn't want it to spread.

But, it could be that you might be feeling the same way too. Maybe a change is taking over your world. A move. A new job. An illness. A change in finances. A struggling relationship. A death.

Change comes in so many different forms, that we lose count. Yet with each change, we somehow have to figure out how to keep moving.

Don't Be Afraid To Drop, by Julia Cook is a book I am reading to my students as the end of the school year approaches. It's all about a dad sending his young raindrop down to the earth for the first time to share his gift. His son doesn't realize how quickly he will be carried right back up to the safety of his cloud. When he finally drops, pride beams inside him. He helps a dry flower get wet. He shared his gift. He took on a change with strength, courage and determination!

Whatever you happen to be struggling with today- dig deep to find your own strengths. You have the ability to muster through, but you must believe that you are able. You have the knowledge to turn your nothing into something, but you must be willing to put forth the effort.

Life is one big cluster of balls. How many can you keep up at the same time? Which will you choose to let fall? Make sure you're focusing on number one and not taking on more than you can handle.

When you get scared or overwhelmed, reevaluate! Check-in on your gifts. Focus on sharing the good with others and that goodness will hit you right back. It will come to you when you least expect it and help you hold up a few of those balls!

Turn your 'blah' into beautiful!
Make your 'nothing' into something.
Take control of the changes in your life!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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