Monday, May 12, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Laugh At YOURSELF :)

My Friday night was a comedy of errors . . .

I headed to the store at 7:45 pm. I was dreading my store visit after a long week of work. The very LAST thing I wanted to do was go to the store, but knowing a very busy weekend was about to start- I had no choice.

About three minutes into my store visit, I realized the store was closing at 8:00 pm. What store closes at 8:00 pm on Friday night?

I guess the store I was at does!

I looked like a crazy person- pretty much running through the store. I was checking my list, running, grabbing, running some more, going back and forth for things I missed.

I actually made it out of the store only missing one of my needed items. I was pretty tickled.

I stopped to get gas on the way home. I parked, paid and tried to start pumping.

Oops . . . the nozzle wouldn't reach. Of course, there was a handsome young pup viewing this whole shenanigan.

I got back in the car and inched as close to the car in front of me as I could.

Replay the first part. Park. Pay and try to pump again.

Oh, and don't forget the moment I tripped over the gas line because it was pulled so tight.

I finished up just in time for the woman parked in front of me to return to her car from being inside the gas station. She was about to pull away and I just couldn't let her leave thinking that I usually park bumper to bumper to get gas.

I tapped on her window and told her my ridiculous story about having to pull forward in order to pump my gas.

She started getting out of her car and laughed out loud. "I'm so glad you tapped on my window. I was about to drive off without pumping the gas I paid for."

We shared a moment and some good laughs. I got in the car and drove off feeling pretty great about saving her from losing her 'paid for' gas!

About five minutes into my drive home, a random man pulled beside me and mouthed something. I know you probably think he was trying to pick me up . . . HA!

I had left my gas lid open and my gas cap OFF! Yep. I was feeling so great about my moment with the 'gas mom' that I forgot to take care of my own car. Who knows how many people witnessed my forgetful moment.

I pulled over, fixed my business and headed home- laughing the whole way. The last hour had been a ridiculous turn of events.

We must be able to laugh at ourselves. We have to be able to admit our errors knowing that we are human and anything from perfect. It's essential that we are 'okay' with who we are, mishaps and all.

My #tuesdaytip is to lighten up. Laugh. Love your screwed up self. Life is anything but predictable and we must be able to go with the flow. And when things are just too overwhelming; when it's a laugh or cry moment- choose laughter!

Enjoy your week- rain or shine. Instead of being irritated by life's nuances, find a way to chuckle. It won't always work; we won't always be able to laugh. It's okay. Just do it as often as you can!

 Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself  
Help others see comfort in a chuckle!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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