Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Reflection

Dirt. Grime. Whines. Squabbles. Spills. Tantrums.

All these things can be fixed. All these things will someday be gone. Already time has somehow disappeared and I'm realizing how much I will miss these days.

It's so difficult to explain how irritated a person can be in one second and then overcome with love and joy the next. I suppose one word sums it up . . . motherhood!

As I reflect on Mother's Day, I'm forced to think not only about myself as a mom, my own dear mom, but also all those out there who do not have their moms. I realize today more than most, how lucky I am.

Day to day I take so much for granted. I get confused, irritated, overwhelmed, sad, tired - the list is endless. Yet, I know how fortunate I am.

Reflections from Mother's Day 2014!

I'm grateful for my strong, determined, caring and loving mother. I need to tell her more often how much I appreciate that she is still around to influence not only me, but my children.

I'm blessed beyond belief to have four healthy and happy little people I call my children. Amongst the crazy schedule, multiple personalities and bad days, I sometimes forget they are human (and just kids). I wouldn't be who I am without them and need to tell them that more often.

I'm reminded that I married the right man. He doesn't let a day go by without telling me I'm great! Do I always do the same for him? I couldn't be the mom I am and I certainly wouldn't be as wonderful as he thinks I am if he wasn't by my side.

I recognize that I shouldn't wait for special days during the year to show my appreciation and love for my family and friends. Everyday is precious and if I show my love more often now, there won't be any regrets later.
I understand the need to be careful what I complain about. After all, there could be someone out there wishing they could have what I find to be a frustration at the time.
I'm beyond luck to have the coolest 'mom' friends. Ones who I can be real with and who still love me. Friends who I learn from and who have helped shape me into the person and mom I am today.
More than anything, I've realized how much support and love I am surrounding by. I catch myself telling others I would give anything for some uninterrupted time 'alone'! Yet, when I'm alone, I find myself constantly thinking about the very little people I said I wanted to be away from.
Take time this week to show your love. Don't waste another day not saying how much you appreciate those special people in your life. We don't need to wait for special occasions to show off our gratefulness! May EVERY DAY count.
Why do we wait for special days to show our love   
Friends & family won't always be around
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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