Sunday, May 18, 2014

#marriagemonday: How Are You REALLY Doing?

"How was your day, honey?"

My words are quick. My eye contact minimal. I'm darting and dashing; grabbing and moving.

His answer is completely, 100%, un-sincere! Is that even a word? Let's just say his response of, "AWESOME!" was a little fake.

The 'AWESOME' answer had been coming out day after day . . . for a few weeks. It was his signal that there was no need to talk about the day.

While this little play of ours was reenacted many, many times, I finally decided it was enough.

"How are you REALLY doing? REALLY? How was your day?"

We talked for nearly two hours. It was wonderful. There were no phones. The TV was silenced in the distance. We talked and talked and talked.

Now I'm a realist and know that we can't enjoy an uninterrupted two-hour conversation every night. Heck, we would run out of things to talk about after the first night. Even though we can't have two hours, we still must connect daily.

What does your connection look like? How do you and your spouse know when love is being shared? What special traditions has your love made?

When I was searching around for a fitting quote to #marriagemonday, I came across Maggie Reyes. She is the author of Happy Wives Club and the founder of I think I found my next great read!

One of her blog posts highlights 12 Ways To Make Your Love Last. Her #1, listed below, was quite fitting for my blog today.

1. Check in EVERYDAY. Asking “how was your day?” is the key to being part of your honey’s life. Don’t take that question for granted. Don’t grunt and say okay and move on to “what’s for dinner.” You married the love of your life so you could be with them every day right? Remember that.

I'd encourage you to check out all 12! She ended her blog post asking her readers if they had written their own marriage manifesto. I have a new challenge . . . look for mine next week.

As you start this week, be intentional about connecting with your spouse. When you ask a question, take time to REALLY listen to the answer. If he/she isn't REALLY answering, take time to find out why!

Good luck in your marriage quest. It's not an easy road, but the destination is well worth all the bumps, curves, twists and turns.

"A good husband wipes her tears, but a great husband listens to the story of why she's crying."
-Author Unknown

Check in w/ your spouse today
Listen intently to your better half
Spend time talking

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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