Saturday, June 6, 2015

If Only . . .

If only.

What is your 'if only'?

More time? Money? Health? Love? Peace?

Have you ever thought, "I'd be so much happier if only . . ."?

It's hard to love the skin your in. It's difficult to take your life just the way it is. Our 'if only' list often wishes away the very essence of who we are. YET- we have all done it in one way or another.

How do we accept who we are and what our life has to offer, yet challenge ourselves to take full advantage of our blessings and strengths?

Life is hard. There are misunderstandings, misperceptions and a whole lot of other crap. Death. Divorce. Illness. Cruelty. Violence. How to we sift through the shit to find the treasures?

The 'It's Okay' philosophy came about because of three feelings . . . Guilt. Judgment. Inadequacy. It is time to reconnect with the very reason I started writing years ago. Whether these feelings are holding you back, or a million other feelings- it's time to start fresh.

We can't tackle our life like a checklist. We are not one 'if only' away from happiness. Happy times are available if we can clear the murky water long enough to see them.

Whatever pain is lingering inside you, whatever struggle is holding you down, whatever challenge is taking over your life . . . you are NOT alone.

Instead of your 'If Only' list, try this list instead!

1. Reach out to a special friend in your life.
2. Hug someone you love for an extra long squeeze.
3. Do something kind for someone struggling.
4. Find your happy place (if only for a second).
5. Love you for you- JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

May happy times be with you this week. May challenging roads not seem so steep. May loved ones surround you and remind you how amazing you are (even without your 'if only' list!).

Forget your 'If Only . . ." list!
Take charge of your happiness.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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