Saturday, June 27, 2015

#WeekendWonder: Does Doing Less Give You More?

Whether it's work or play- I've always had a hard time slowing down. I tend to say 'yes' to too much. My motto was always, "It's only . . . ".

It's only an hour a week.
It's only one more thing.
It's only on the weekend.
It's only for a short time.

It's only . . .

When you add up all the 'it's only' things you commit yourself to, one has to wonder how much joy you might be missing.

I've always used the excuse that it's helping someone or something. There's always a reason for the 'it's only'. BUT, I'm learning- no, I'm trying . . . to do less and care more.

The funny thing about slowing down is that there isn't much 'proof' that you've accomplished anything in your day. The house isn't spotless, an agenda isn't complete, a list isn't checked off. There is no tangible way to show that doing less gives you more joy.

However, in slowing down- I've noticed more. I've watched more. I've sat longer. I've allowed time to not fly by in the midst of a crazy schedule.

I won't lie and tell you that I am living in total bliss. I lost it just yesterday (and the day before!). BUT- my blow-ups and melt-downs aren't as frequent and don't last quite as long. The lectures are shortened, the looks aren't quite as intense and I've even laughed once or twice!

Certainly we all need to do our part in order to help our communities survive and even thrive. Our kids still need to be active and involved. Sometimes, though, I found the stress of our schedule affected me in an unhealthy way.

So for a short window of time this summer I am going to strive to do less and care more. I know I will still yell; forget to count my blessings; get annoyed . . . I'll forget. But I will try not to!!!!!

How about you? Is the craziness of life getting in the way of your appreciation? We can only look into our own lives. Comparisons and judgments will get us no where. For just this weekend- wonder if you're able to truly enjoy the blessings surrounding you and if not, try to decide what would make a difference for YOU!

Do a little less and care a little more!

Does doing less allow you to care more?
Accomplishing tasks won't provide more
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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