Monday, June 15, 2015

#MarriageMonday: Maybe It's YOU!

Marriage is . . .


Marriage is NOT . . .


Now, I'm no idiot. I know that life is one consistent change after another. I'm not talking about the twists and turns of life that create change.

Marriage is NOT changing someone to be who you want them to be!

Marriage is all about compromising and understanding your spouse's perspective. It is taking your spouse for who he is and loving him anyway. Compassion and care must be at the heart of your marriage if the two of you are going to thrive.

Think about if compromise and compassion were at the heart of your marriage. You wouldn't need to change any faults about your spouse because he/she would be compassionate about your needs and would compromise to make sure the both of  you could be happy.

What if we lived in a world of acceptance; understanding that we are all blessed with strengths and limitations. We can't change who we are. Certainly we can adapt and make small improvements to ourselves. BUT, again, each of us has specific strengths and obvious limitations that we were born with are a part of who we are.

It's easy in a marriage to start keeping score and to point fingers. Heck, this is easy in any relationship.

Instead of pointing your finger at your spouse- point it at yourself. Maybe compromise and compassion haven't been at the forefront or your decisions and reactions. Maybe your expectations are unfair or impossible for the person that you married.

Take time to reflect on the relationships in your life. Relationships with your spouse, friends, co-workers, children, etc. No matter who the relationship is with, there must still be compromise and compassion for the relationship to be a success. And you must take that person for who she is without trying to change her.

I'm lucky to have a partner in my marriage who knows my faults, understands my limitations . . . and loves me anyway! This week I will focus on ME! And ME only. I will strive to have all my reactions and make all decisions based on compromise and compassion. What a week it will be if I can do this!

Marriage is made up of two imperfect beings
We cannot change a person
Lead with
Focus on YOU!
Please note: This blog is not intended for individuals who are in an abusive relationship. If you are in an unhealthy relationship, there is help. Contact 1-888-866-8660 or visit for support in Nebraska.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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