Friday, June 19, 2015

#WeekendWonder: Are You Putting Your Face In?

I got in.

I got wet.

What more could they want?

This season hasn't been the warmest for swimming. I'm not going to lie . . . I've LOVED it! Heat and I do not get along. And sitting at the pool baking for hours is not my favorite pastime (not to mention the fact that dressing in a swimsuit is less than flattering to this aging, saggy, four-kids-later body). But, the kids absolutely adore summer swimming.

The day I got in was a chilly and overcast day. Only three families were at the pool including ours. It was perfect. As a bonus, the water was quite warm (warmer than the air)!

My four-year-old is quickly learning the art of strong swimming. She's quite good. Her only downfall is her perfected doggy paddle. I am constantly barking, "Put your face in."

We were having a grand old time. I was swimming and pool was ours. "Put your face in," continued to come out of my mouth over and over to remind her to actually swim and perform some strokes.

My son looked at me as we were treading in the deep end, "Why don't YOU put your face in?"

My self talk was more than pathetic! "Well, son, this isn't my first rodeo. I know how to swim. I'm in the water, my hair is wet . . . what more do you want from me?"

Instead of spewing that non-sense at him, I simply stated, "I'm good, thanks!"

Thinking back on this interaction in the pool reminded me of so many areas in my life. Am I putting my face in? Am I fully participating in the blessings and activities around me? Or am I simply doggy-paddling my way to the edge just to get by; just to say that I did it?

This weekend take some time to wonder what your life would be like if you put your face in. Contemplate where you might need to take the plunge and get engrossed in the joy that is waiting for you.

Don't just float through the craziness of life. Jump in! Cannon ball. Dive! Whatever you do, PUT YOUR FACE IN!!!!! Love the life that is yours. Participate fully. Perfection is impossible, but if you're not even trying- happiness is unreachable.

Take time. Put your face in. Quit half-assing a million little things and put some effort into the important areas of your life. When you do this- your perfectly imperfect world will be as crystal clear as the pool!

Are you fully participating in your life?
Don't just float to the edge
Love your life
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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