Sunday, June 7, 2015

#MarriageMonday: The OTHER Man!

The OTHER man?


What kind of marriage blog starts with 'the other man'?

Well, I guess mine does!

This #MarriageMonday was inspired not by my husband, but by the little man in my life that I call a son. His little actions spoke BIG words about my marriage.

My hubby was working late last week and I took on the job of mowing. While it was the last thing I wanted to do- my hope was that if I took care of the mowing Monday night, I could enjoy a Tuesday night with my husband.

The line in the grass started looking a little squiggly . . . a little off. And the mower started steering itself. I got to the end of the lawn and looked back to see a distorted 'wife-mowing-the-lawn' line in our grass. Now, I often pride myself in my independence and ability to handle most tasks. This line in the middle of the yard signified defeat. I was NOT going to give up.

"Honey, I need your help. Come quick!"

He jumped off the trampoline and came running. "What do you need, mom?"

I explained my line and showed him the wiggly wheel. Certainly this faulty mowing was NOT just me!

He was off like a jet. My nine-year-old son ran to the garage to get the tools needed to fix the wobbly wheel screwing up my mowing.

He stumbled back with the big black box. He could hardly carry the darn thing, but trudged it along as if his life depended on it.

He walked me through which tool I'd need and how to tighten the wheel. He didn't shame me or act as though I was stupid. He helped me with such love- with such pride in his work. He smiled often and loved seeing my face as we fixed the mower with his guidance and knowledge.

You see . . . in that moment I fell more deeply in love with my husband. Even though 'the other man' was the one doing the work, it was because of what my son had witnessed and learned in his short life- FROM HIS DAD!!!!

This Monday- take time to see your spouse through the eyes of someone your spouse has impacted. Notice the strengths, gifts and talents that you so often take for granted. Forget all the little annoying habits and focus on what really matters!

I am an independent woman. But darn it- I LOVE to be taken care of. And my husband knows just the way to do it. Isn't it amazing that he's done such a wonderful job that now even 'the other man' in my life knows how to take care of me, too!

Take time to see your spouse through the eyes of others
Forget nuances

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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