Friday, March 22, 2013

Bad Behavior Is Not Condoned

Points to Ponder #3:  Bad Behavior Is Not Condoned

As I have been working on my book and talking with various friends and family, I have been amazed at how many people beat themselves up daily for mistakes they make that truly are okay.  With that being said, this journey has given me a motto that I truly love and believe in, but that I realize does not apply to every situation.  'It's Okay' is meant to be a belief that we are all human, full of error and cannot make it through a day with out a mistake.  It's meant to help us on those days or in those moments that we feel life is too overwhelming to manage through.  But, we do.  We make and we realize that things may not have been as bad as we thought.  It's NOT, however, meant to be a motto that condones truly negative behavior. 

It is NOT okay to abuse drugs and alcohol.  It is NOT okay to abuse your children.  It is NOT okay to neglect your children's basic needs.  These things are NOT okay.  We all mess-up.  We all have bad days.  We all need good coping strategies to realize that life will be challenging and hard, but using the tools we have been blessed with will allow us to make it through difficult times.  There IS a difference between messing up and partaking in truly negative and bad behavior.

In my book, I had to address this point because there are things in life that are not okay.  There is a support section at the end of my book that gives some basic resources for those who may be struggling with pervasive problem that professional help is needed for.  If that is the case, it's okay to ask for help.  It's okay to admit that your mistake is one that you cannot handle alone.  If you are in need of support beyond what a friend or a good book or a trip to church can handle, don't be afraid to visit one of the websites below or message me and I'd be happy to help you locate a network that can support you in your specific need!

American Academy of Pediatrics,
La Leche League International,
Postpartum Support International,
National Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Information Center,
National Institute of Mental Health,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
Psychology Today,

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