Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We All Have Good Days

Points to Ponder #7- We all have good days!

Don't get so down on yourself when you have a bad day.  We all have them.  While we all have great days where every piece of the puzzle fell into place, we all have those days where anything that could go wrong, did!  It's inevitable that the day you are drowning, you will find a friend or a neighbor flying higher than a kite.  On bad days, our focus goes to everyone around us and how everything seems perfect in their worlds.

While no one has the perfect life, we get caught up in using worlds like, "always" and "never."  We forget that things aren't ALWAYS bad.  The internet plays into our self-pity.  We see pictures on Facebook of what seem like the perfect days and perfect crafts and perfect families.  Life is not perfect.  We will have bad days.  BUT, we will have good days too.

It's important to figure out what makes you feel like you've had a good day.  Chances are, my 'good' day doesn't look like your 'good' day.  Whether it's a workout or a clean house or time with your kiddos, you have to figure out what makes you feel complete.  When the chips are down, when the day seems beyond repair, don't give up.  Our lives are constantly turning 24 hours a day and seven days a week.  Every second of every hour of every day, can't be all bad.  There is always a silver lining.  There is always something to be thankful for.

The next time you have one of those horrible days and you see others around you having a good day, don't despair.  Find the one or two things in your day that weren't as traumatic as you thought.  Find five things to be thankful for.  Ask that friend who always seems to have it all together what her secret is.  Chances are, she has just as many bad days as you do, she just hasn't felt comfortable enough talking to you about it until now!

I hope your day is one you can check off as 'good' and if it isn't,  that you take time to figure out how to make tomorrow just a little bit better.

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