Saturday, March 23, 2013

Perfection Is Not Possible, But Don't Give Up Trying

Points to Ponder #4- Perfection is not possible, but don't give up trying

Perfection does not exist!  Being perfect is not possible.  No person on earth is perfect.  We all mess-up.  We are all full of error.  We all make mistakes.  Quit beating yourself up for not being someone you aren't.  Accept your strengths, your gifts and your blessings.  BUT ... you must also accept your limitations.  You cannot and should not be able to do it, be it all and then have time to post it all!

It's okay to admit that you don't have the perfect house, marriage, job, kids, etc.  No one does.  Just because you do not have the perfect life does not mean that you don't have a million things to be thankful for.  My points to ponder #4 talks about church in the book.  It mentions how church becomes a major source of angst for many families.  Children CANNOT sit through an hour of mass being perfect.  Heck, my husband can't even make it through mass without cracking an inappropriate joke.  Accept it.  Live with it.  And then try to embrace what it is good.

I'm reading a book in my bible study group called One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp (  This author does a wonderful job reminding the reader to appreciate what is around you every moment of every day (even the bad stuff).  In her book she is challenged to write 1000 things she is thankful for.  I have been working on my list and am on 275.  I have to admit, when I am focused on the blessings, I am much more content to not be perfect and to enjoy the imperfections life has to offer that are so wonderful.  Sounds twisted, I know.  But it is so true.  This author has dared me to live fully right where I am at.  I not there yet, but I'm not going to give up trying either.   

So, give it up.  Love your imperfect self.  Love your imperfect family.  Love your imperfect job.  Love your imperfect house.  Love it all ... because it's all yours to be thankful for!  Don't give up trying to be the best you can be, but embrace your strengths and limitations and find the balance in between them that leaves you feeling content!

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