Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's it all about?

As I'm preparing to publish my book, It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting, I am constantly asking myself what defines the life I am living.  While I am incredibly excited to get my book out to the public and to share the message I so passionately believe in, I still struggle with what defines me.  The whole premise of the book is that life is hard.  That we will mess-up.  That we will question what in life we are doing that is worth something.  Why aren't we ever satisfied?

In the book, I talk about how one thing cannot and should not define who we are.  There is a section that talks about what 'good days' are and how my good days might look very different than your good days.  Why am I on top of the world some days and overwhelmed by the very idea of completing life other days?  Why can't I appreciate what I have and who I am consistently on a daily basis? 

My goal for this blog once the book is published is to write weekly about 'real' things that are happening in my life.  It's hard to admit when we feel like we have failed.  It's hard to admit that we are not living up to the standard that we set for ourselves.  But, where does this standard come from?  It definitely cannot be from what we see others accomplishing around us.  It has to be what we decide for ourselves.  What we want to be within our capabilities.  While we are blessed with many gifts and talents, we are also confined to our limitations.  We cannot be what others are ... we have to be happy with who we are and what we are able to do. 

I hope that someone out there is questioning her day.  I hope that she can read this and realize that if she is doing the best she can, that is enough.  She does not have to be it all, have it all and do it all.  She can be content to just live her life, to enjoy the blessings she has been given (limitations and all), and be proud of what she has accomplished in her life.  Bad days will happen. 

It's okay to struggle.  It's okay to be overwhelmed.  It's okay to take a break.  It's okay to know you are doing the best you can do.  It's okay to not be perfect. 

It's okay!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your honesty and being so "real". It helps everyone realize it really is okay.
