Monday, March 25, 2013

Good Friends Can Make It All Better

Points to Ponder #6- Good friends can make it all better!

What would we do without our friends?  You may have a spouse who will love you no matter what, but there is nothing can replace an old friend.  Good friends love us no matter what.  They know all the dirt about us and are still willing to help us through difficult situations.  The difficulty with friendships is that they require time and energy.  But, the good news is, when we are out of time and out of energy, if we have put the work in necessary to develop a strong friendship, that friend will be there waiting when our schedule allows it and when we finally gain the energy back to give to them.

Whether it's a two-minute conversation on the phone, drinks out once every six weeks, or a girls get-a-way every two years, spending time with friends or talking with friends will help us stay sane.  We have to have people that we count on when the chips are down.  The chips WILL be down.  They will fall for us and they will fall for good friends.  We have to help each other through those difficult times and be there for one another in gold medal style.

I have amazing friends.  I could not make it through this thing called life without them.  You know who you are!  You know when I have adult temper tantrums that are ridiculous.  You know when I've had a few great months or several months of despair.  You know these things because you are my good friends that I count on.  You know that I am anything but perfect, and you love me despite my many flaws.  Thank you, dear friends.

Take time for a friend today.  Give an old friend a call or message a friend you haven't had time for in a while.  Even if you don't have anything amazing to share, just the day to day life challenges we make it through are enough to be proud of.  Put in a little time today and as much energy as you have.  If you take time for a friend today, then maybe in your next desperate moment, a good friend will reach out to you and make your day just a little bit brighter! 

1 comment:

  1. I am extremely thankful having you as such a good friend.
