Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Digress ...

My points to ponder are taking a break today ... I must digress to discuss 'sour moods' and how they spoil not only your day, but also the day of everyone around you.  So, my book, It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting, focuses on how no one leads the perfect life and we should get 'real' about the struggles that consume our hearts.  And, really, I believe this.  I believe we should be open and honest about our struggles, our hardships and our mistakes.  BUT, I do not believe that means we should spoil everyone's day around us just because we are having a mood.  And, today ... I did.  My mood this morning was enough to destroy anyone's happy day. 

Why?  Why can I so easily express to others how we need to move on from the mistakes that we make, from the madness we are in and not feel bad about it?  Yet, I get caught up in my own world (that really isn't all that bad), and I produce enough self-loathing that I ruin my day, my husband's day and my children's day.  No one destroyed my morning, but ME.  I was the very person who could have just counted my blessings and been thankful for the time we had, but instead, my tone and negative attitude took over and made everyone miserable. 

So, it's just after lunch.  I decided to take a break from writing my points to ponder to piggy-back off the topic I talked about yesterday; we all have good days.  So, I'm not having the greatest day.  But, it's really not that bad.  I mean, I can't even find one thing to complain about.  My mood is really the only thing getting in the way of enjoying the rest of the day, the sun-filled afternoon, the evening I get to spend out with a friend (after my kiddos are sleeping)!  I'm going to take my advice from yesterday and turn my bad day around.

Two things that weren't really THAT bad this morning ... my two older kids did wonderful while their sister was in gymnastics (I'll leave our the part where my one-year-old who looks like a three-year-old assaulted an 11-month-old just learning how to walk) and we got to have lunch with my husband (I will also leave out the disastrous trip to the work cafeteria where six of us were trying to order, pay, carry trays of food, etc.).  So there were two things.  And five things I am thankful for ... the sun is shining today, my puppy's foot is feeling better, I get to catch up with an old friend tonight, I am going to enjoy an afternoon cup of coffee with amazing creamer and my family is healthy!

Well ... thank you blog for my afternoon therapy.  I feel a million times better.  It's okay that I had a sour mood this morning.  It's okay that I wasn't the nicest mom or wife in the world.  We all make mistakes.  We all have rough days.  And, hey, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day and leave my sour attitude in the dust!

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