Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Be Thoughtful With Your Words

In an attempt to provide a purpose for my blog, I am going to write a little about each part of my book.  It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting is due to be released in the next couple of weeks.  While the book is very humorous in nature, with real stories from real people about all the parenting blunders that occur, there is also a very serious message I hope readers receive from reading it.  Before the stories begin, there is a section entitled Points to Ponder.  In this section, I hope that readers keep some key points in mind as they are reading about other people's failures, mistakes or mishaps. 

Point to Ponder #1: Be Thoughtful With Your Words

So many times in life, people do not think before they speak.  While this is true, I do not believe that most people in life intend to be malicious.  It's just that sometimes our feet cannot enter our mouths quick enough.  Whether you have had an insensitive question asked or an unthoughtful comment made about you, take time to realize that you, too, have probably done this very thing in the past.  Hindsight is always 20/20 and we realize as we grow and change that we may have judged someone or a situation without fully understanding what was going on in his/her life or fully understanding the hell he/she may have been going through. 

Once we pass various stages in life, it's safe to say that we understand a lot more than we did before.  In knowing more than we did, we grow.  So, today and maybe even tomorrow, try to be more thoughtful with your words.  Try to understand someone else without fully being able to know what they are struggling with.  Assume the best intentions of their actions and try to avoid hurting them with your comments or questions.  At the same time, if someone asks you an insensitive question or comes at you with a hurtful comment, try not to get defensive.  Try to assume that no harm was intended.  Try with all your might to share your feelings openly and honestly. 

If we could all get 'real' about how we are feeling and what we are thinking, assumptions could be put to rest.  Everyone has different struggles.  Everyone has different issues.  But ... we all have both.  None of us are perfect and we could all use the benefit of the doubt every once in a while! It's okay.

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