Do you wish it were still Sunday?
Is that your Fun Day?
Are you singing The Bangles chorus yet? Ha!
Monday's are hard ... it's back to the grind. Life once again will get so hectic that we will wish the week away; hoping for Sunday much too soon.
Marriage has become difficult to define in this day and age. 'Til death do us part' is sometimes not what is expected.
Those of us who are married or who have been married know the struggles that come with committing your life to one person. ONE PERSON for LIFE. Yikes!
Mondays are a lot like marriage. Once the week begins, it's back to business. Routines, schedules, life maintenance ... really mundane nuances. We all started our marriages like it was a Sunday Fun Day. And then, life took over. Bills, budgets, schedules, work, household projects; list after list of life details that needed to be complete.
Just like we are always waiting for the weekend to give our week a break from the mundane; in marriage we are always waiting for something to give so that we can get back to enjoying our partner.
Mondays will continue to be manic. Weeks will continue to create struggles and stress. We must not let our marriage fall into that same pattern. We must create magical moments every day. We need to stop 'waiting' for life to get better at the next phase.
Here. Now. Today. Say it! Say to your spouse how much you love him/her. Say why you appreciate him/her. Say the words that we all need to hear ... say why you have stayed together through the mundane and hectic life you are living. Say how your life is like a fairy tale with a happily ever-after!
Say it. And say it often.
Give praise. Give love. Find the little joys you can share.
Marriage will not be fun every day. Marriage will be anything but easy. Recognize that your spouse is not perfect, but remember why you married him/her.
Go back to the 'fun' that brought you together and appreciate the growth you both have made! Say it. Notice the little things and it will make BIG differences!
Thank you, hubby of mine, for supporting my crazy adventure! Thank you for loving me even in my awful moments. Thank you for cleaning the house when I was away. Thank you for making me laugh, when I was so exhausted that I just wanted to cry! Here's love to you and our happily ever-after, three-ring circus, we perform in daily!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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