Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Count Your Blessings:)

What are your blessings?

Go ahead ... name a few of them.

Say them out loud- right now!

Don't wait. Don't let another moment pass you by where you don't recognize the million little things in your life that are right and good and perfect!

How many did you name?

Life is full of blessings if we give ourselves the opportunity to notice them. So often, though, we spoil our blessings with getting caught up in the nuances of life.

Let me expand ...

I rushed to squeeze in a run around the lake last night. It wasn't just any run, but a glorious, sun-setting jog, where my mind was clear and the night was beautiful.

If only I could just stop there ... that was my blessing. The pouring rain that started when I was half way around the lake was a bit of a nuance. Especially since I decided to carry my cell phone with me. Luckily, the rain didn't spoil my moment, but gave me a reminder that life can't be perfect.

This weekend we were at a friend's wedding. It was perfect. The kids did amazing. My husband gave such a mature and meaningful best-man speech (this is saying a lot for those of you that know my smarty pants husband). I was reminded of his growth as a man and how much I love him. The photographer couldn't get enough pictures of my beautiful children. Her comment stuck with me today, "You really are blessed. I can't imagine how much work it is to have four children; I know how hard one is. I always wanted more children, you're so lucky."

I am blessed. I am lucky. Who cares that my two-year-old's entire Sprite came cascading down like a powerful waterfall just as the moment of silence began after the prayer. It doesn't matter that in the middle of my husband's speech, my five-year-old knocked one of our beer bottles on the floor ... no judgement; mom's and dad's need a little fun too!

Blessings are tiny moments of glory stuck in our crazy lives. Things will go wrong. I will continue to mess-up; to wish that I could avoid my adult temper tantrums. I will need to apologize frequently and to forgive willingly.

No one is claiming to have it all together. We all have regrets and days where we forget to count our blessings.

Don't let today pass you by without taking a minute or two to count the joys, triumphs and amazing people in your life.

I'm lucky. I'm blessed. That's it ... I will stop there. No need to find the thing that ruins my luck or my blessings. For the moment, I will remember to count them one by one!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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