Monday, September 23, 2013

Just Breathe!

When times get tough, when life takes you by surprise, when your kid pees all over the floor ... just breathe!

Funny how the easiest coping strategy you can teach children is to take a breath; funny because as adults we don't use it often enough!

Last Wednesday night I was caught in a do or die moment. It was 'just breathe' or 'lose all control'!

I think I won the battle. I stayed calm. I didn't get TOO frazzled. A lot of self talk ... a lot of deep breaths ... and a quick husband saved the day!

You know when you have those times in life when things seem to be going well and you think one more thing isn't THAT big of deal. You add a thing here and there and pretty soon all the balls just seem to tumble down.

We made it Religious Education on time. There was the tag-teaming and the car-switching. There was eating snacks in the car and sharing drinks from the only drops of water left in the one water bottle we had. My five-year-old's first night of Religious Education- me the teacher and my eight-year-old my helper.

There was seven minutes until I had to pick up all the five-year-old sweeties I'd be teaching. I was rushing and grabbing and giving my girls helping instructions. The five-year-old had to pee- no biggie- there was a bathroom in the back of the room. I sent the eight-year-old to assist.

TOO LATE. It was TOO late. I suppose the silver lining was that the puddle was actually in the bathroom.

I was the only teacher. We were down to five minutes until showtime. The office had no spare clothes. The poor, naked, wet five-year-old waited for 20 minutes in the bathroom until super DAD came to the rescue.

Mom survived her first night of teaching. The five-year-old's were amazing. My own darling regrouped quite wonderfully.

Thank goodness for deep breaths. Thank goodness for positive self-talk. Thank the good Lord that I didn't over-react to an accident. That's all it was.

Accidents happen. Life gets hard. Unexpected things change events. People get sick. In life, it's great to remember to just breathe! And when that doesn't work ... lean on someone special in your life to get you through!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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